A big challenge for many OBE'ers is differentiating between "real" beings from thoughtforms of their own making. As an example-- say I was projecting and wished to see my deceased grandfather. At that moment, he appears, smiles and rubs my head, and fades from view. Was it truly my grandfather, or was it a thoughtform?

I've been reading Oliver Fox's work. I will take a moment to say that Fox was obviously far ahead of his time, and anyone interested in OBEs would do well to take time and read his work. You can read his book at the following link:


On page 52 or so, Fox recounts a number of "visits" by others while he was in a trance state. Some of the visitors, such as a friend who claimed he would meet him while projecting, had very obvious auric colors. Others, such as a very traditional-looking Christ, had no aura. Fox goes on to postulate that the presence of auric colors may denote an actual entity, while the lack thereof may indicate a thoughtform.

Has anyone ever used auric colors as a sort of reality-test?