Well thanks for the help guys. I was really hopeful about this try tonight, but no exit yet. I started the session absolutely exhausted and was in a light trance even as i was starting my breathwork, but thats common for me. I took my trance as deep as i could, spent almost 30 mins on deepening it alone. I skipped all the visualization and just focused on feeling what i was doing, and it really seemed to help. As i was deepening the trance, i could feel a strong dissociation and feel i was far away from myself. Towards the end of my trance work, i had the feeling that id already projected. When i thought this, i did the third eye trigger and absolutely nothing happened. I was completely unable to induce any exit symptoms at all. I was reassured by this and spent nearly 45 mins trying various exit techniques. I spent a lot of time feeling myself float away but nothing happened. I tried feeling myself swim away or roll out and some other loosening techniques with no luck. The whole time i really felt like i was already out but just couldnt see. I couldnt gain sight, couldnt get the feeling my double was even inching away from the physical, anything. All i can say is that for a while i was convinced i was out but then again i may just not understand the difference in that and the feeling of total dissociation from that level of trance. I have been able to induce strong exit symptoms several times per day as well and couldnt do it tonight which was another reason i felt i was already out. I think im just gonna take a break and focus on trance and energy work for a couple of days and try again next week. Maybe i just need a break. I must say that i came out of that one really disheartened bc i thought tonight was the night, and i had some good advice to start with tonight, but oh well. Thanks again yall.