Lately, to achive a more global sense of self acceptance, I've been interested in integrating rejected aspects of my self. This seems like a good idea, but It also seems to conflict with my desire to impove myself in other areas. So I'm wondering, as part of an identity or personality, Is it possible to simultaneously accept a negative trait while also taking action to remove or reduce it's effects on your life?

Laziness, for example, is a trait that I and many people have. I realize that If I were to fully accept and own this aspect I would be more content with my actions (or lack of actions) and would find it easier to be around people who are lazy and unproductive because I wouldn't have as much of an urdge to judge them. However, I suspect that integrating laziness would also make me miss many opportunities for growth and personal development. It also might make me late for everything I have to do during the day, I could develop health problems, I could become very poor, and I would endure many other consequences of accepting this trait.

Laziness is just one example. I'm wondering if anyone's got any thoughts about what I've written and if there are tips for achieving balance when trying to bridge this gap I have between self improvment and self acceptance.