This week has been too tiring and it's showing in my dreams.
2 small dreams with humour .
1) I'm watching an elderly couple in a noddy type car just cruising along slowly on the road and a jogger is jogging beside them keeping up and 2 cyclists are cycling fast to catch up with them .
The exact interpretation of this I'm not sure but in reality, I have to keep reminding myself that I CANNT go at the pace I used to be able to. I'm fit and healthy but getting older and have to slow down. ( something strange again but I wasn't aware of spelling CANNT with capital letters and I ve just tried to write it again incase I accidentally pressed the arrow for a capital C and even then the other letters change to small.)
2) I'm running round in a big circle and someone notes that there's spilt coffee on the floor. I stop and get kitchen roll to clean it up then rush to get changed for work. A group of people are laughing at me because I didn't realise it was my day off.

So yes these two dreams are how I'm feeling at the moment but I like the humour in them.

5am I was just starting to think of trying some NEWS when I suddenly picked up ' SORRY QUEEN' .

( one of my dreams near beginning of journal I titled under my magical heading because of the beauty of the colours and sounds all merging into each other ,I was told , ' Even the Queen was calling' .This was when I had come so close to having an accident with an oncoming car and a cyclist and was upset I hadn't been warned about this. The dream followed.
I've also recently dreamt of the queen and me and a dog.
Finally just upon awakening I picked up ' the Olympics and saw two white doves. '
My own interpretation on this is ..
The Olympics are about excelling , striving , something worked at to perfection.
Doves to me represent peace and love.
Well that's me told maybe.