Interest in symbols and ancient geometry has led me to a couple of good books.
Symbols Meaning and the Sacred Quest by Andrew Cort, and
The Geometry Code by Bruce Rawles.
This had me remember when I picked up ' The code was necessary for the planet'. This didn't explain anything to me at the time and the more I read the less I know but one of these authors got it right. ( I cannt remember which one ) when he wrote that the meaning of everything is obviously beyond our conscious mind because the true meaning is not split, divided or apart. ( fragmented) waits patiently for our return.
So I suppose only when we are merged again with all to be whole again will we get the full picture.
In that case I'm not going to bother my silly little head trying . Bit like being given a jigsaw with only some of the pieces. Fun trying though just to see if we can link up some pieces.

However I then went onto more of Edward Cayce's work but these books were written by others about his way of thinking ,and what a fascinating man.I understand now his thoughts on his understanding of the collective consciousness. This is the first time I've read of the relationship of Chakras and Kundalini energy and the Book Of Revelation.In other words the Biblical theory on Chakras.
I find this fascinating and the more quotes I read the more of this I want to read. At school I used to recite the Lord's Prayer but with no meaning or feeling. Just said it in assembly because we had to.
From what I've read The Lord's Prayer was given out by Jesus apparently to his Apostles and is thought by some to specifically address each of the seven chakras prompting the optimum movement of Kundalini Energy within the body.( I'm sure someone here will correct me if I've got something wrong, I would not be offended because I find it fastinating.)Leyla also posted similarities to descriptions in the Bible to experiences of Kundalini Energy within the body.
The advice being given is to feel the emotion and meaning of each sentence with the corresponding spiritual centre allowing the energy to rise through the body.

So I Tried It.
But first I had read how Cayce was talking with his group one day and stopped in his tracks. For a few moments as he looked at them in physical he saw them as their pure selves. The very best, purest.
This had me remember when I was taken to meet this person with my colour hair( representing me somehow) I loved him from the bottom of my heart and described him at the time as innocent, pure, gentle.
This I believe is what we should be trying to achieve here in physical. We come here as innocent babies but life taints us . ( but then we cannt avoid that )what we can try to do before leaving here is to get rid of as much of the bad habits and thoughts as possible. I don't want to pass over badly tainted,( even if we do get hosed down.)
Do we eat a new meal on dirty plates? Go out with dirty clothes on? Invite people home to a dirty house? Attend an event in dirty clothes? Although realising what we are here for and doing the best we can our thoughts, I believe, are so important in cleansing us.
So I tried The Lords Prayer and where I read to substitute GOD for our Highest Self in the Purest Form
I thought of this beautiful part of me that I met but don't remember.
I found it a little difficult remembering and focusing on each chakra with each sentence because it wasn't a straight 1-7 or 7-1, got a bit confused, will take some time to learn .
Intend to write it out fully tomorrow when have more time but the night I did this I don't remember any dream but had a lovely nights sleep feeling nice and cozy when I woke to the thought ' road to salvation'.
I suppose this kind of phrase reflects the kind of reading I've crossed over to but I'd rather have this than bad dreams.

9th February 2013
Page 1) a reminder of my beautiful person.

A few months ago I had an experience where I was taken to my fathers house and I knew someone from the spirit world had taken me but I didn't see him . It didn't seem important.
I was there to meet someone .HE ARRIVED.
I LOVED HIM FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.He had the same colour of hair as mine( mine is out of a bottle)
He was innocent , pure , beautiful , gentle, . I recall telling him how much I loved him. He could see me but not hear me or hear me but not see me ( I cann't remember which way round it was ) To this day I use this love I feel for him for my meditation. )