3.08 am,
Woke up suddenly to hear, THE FLEECE OF HEAVEN.
Back to sleep, liminal stage picked up . BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT. VISUAL EXPANSION.
Recorded on I phone which was near so I didnt have to try to remember then back to sleep but I had a feeling this first one was an acknowledgement of my question I sent out before sleep.

Once again feeling so dis- connected. Stupid I know , been there so many times and I'm happy enough in physical life but I still feel this big dissapointment in the mornings when I wake up with nothing.
Last night I put my thoughts together clearly and tried to work out just why I feel like this. Even thinking that it just wasnt fair to be so audibly active for periods then nothing. This was like being ABANDONED AND IGNORED. Stupid, stupid I know but I think to be honest I was testing the waters here to see if I could instigate a response. ( Ive come to the conclusion a while back that I receive when I need it not when I want it). Even if most of the time this is my consciousness it has a vocabulary and knowlege that is superior to me Susan, and communicates with me as if I am a seperate person but hints that we are the same.
So with these thoughts being sorted out and made clear I finished with the question, " Just what is it I'msearching for? Experiences? What then?

So... " The Fleece of Heaven"
My first analysis to this was the fleece my husband wears is so warm and cozy was this about me wanting to experience again the most wonderful dream where the sky was filled with white bird feathers and where there was a hole in the sky more feathers came and filled the gap and I just knew this was a secure safe loving place to be where no one can get harmed. Was this me searching for this again?

Recorded on 29/01/14 page 21.
........into what is like a cloakroom where you would collect your coat. ( this was the same area that started my Harry Potter type dream months ago, but this time I'm leaving through the door where as before I walked through it to a corridor) I recognised it in my dream.
Someone behind the desk talks about "no contamination allowed beyond this point."
Now I'm sitting in an aircraft with someone opposite me. I'm looking out of the window and the whole sky is covered in what looks like a net made of white feathers. In the dream I'm thinking they are Angel Feathers ( even though in physical I do not have the belief of feathered ,winged angels)
There is a hole in the covering and as I watch I see a similar feather fly up and fill up the hole.
In the dream I just knew that this completed the blanket of protection.
Someone was saying good bye. I picked up
"I leave you with wishes of happiness and caution."

Maybe and maybe there is a double meaning.
I googled " The Fleece Of Heaven".
Came up with,


In this piece an example is given of a practice within the farming community where, when a ewe gives birth to twins it sometimes rejects the second twin. However sometimes a ewe will have a still born so the blood is taken from the dead lamb and it is skinned and the fleece is tied to the rejected lamb and blood from the dead lamb is smothered on the head of the rejected twin . Hopefully the mother of the still born will smell its own smell and mistakenly think it is its own and will accept it as its own to look after.
He writes that each of us born into this world is that ABANDONED twin.He writes that what the FATHER wants is for us to see Ourselves in Christ.Apparantly Paul used that expression over 80 times.

...so because Jesus has been featured here a few times in the last year and I've received a Parable before in a humorous way I feel the need to take this on board and translate in a less biblical way and come to my own meaning.

'Christ Consciousness, 'Christ energy', 'Higher Self', 'more loving refined realms,'( heavens)
I was feeling ABANDONED.
We all should recognise that within us is the ability to connect to these energies. They are within us.Just as he says to see ourselves in Christ we must see Christ, ( the Christ energy, or the more advanced evolved , perfected us, )) within all of us.
This search can only be done through us by us.( was told once when thinking of this that I was also the midwife)
Is this just confirming my journey, what I'm searching for?
Recorded a few days ago the face of Jesus then a finger turns to show black over the finger print.

BIOLOGY DEPT , VISUAL EXPANSION..will write up another time.