Life can,t get any crazier.
Woke up from a dream about walking in very large garden,almost size of a football pitch.Felt that this was mine now and new to me and it reminded me of my mothers place, and there were strangers around ( not around me ) Noticed there was sand under the grass in areas.
Woke up and closed bedroom window, settled down again.5.30. Decided to do the brushing technique this time as it would be nice and relaxing and would see how long I could keep it up for. After maybe 20 mins I could hear talking. This sounded like a lot of people in a room on both sides of me. Knew just to ignore this but could feel feet wobbling and then raising. Was thinking that this has happened quite quickly and when it does There may be something I'm going to be shown so just to go with it.
Feet are out,legs out now whole body out raising up and then to the right slowly.
I'm still on my back with only 180vision but felt as if I was viewing with half closed eyelids.Wasn't sure what to do with vision so decided to look down at my legs. Could see them, they were long,transparent.like hologram and I could see them swaying with what looked like the hem of a nightdress swaying as well. Relieved to see I had something on because I would want that but in physical didn't have this on.
The area I was flying in was a light grey but I was going slowly and I could still hear these same voices chatting.

Next everything changed and I'm sitting in I think a plane looking out of a small round window. Someone was opposite me. As I look out this was the best bit.
All I could see that got closer and closer was a very old worn paper map.It was yellow/brown as old paper gets and had big thick bold lines drawn on it mapping out territory like countries or towns with big bold print on each area ( names) the writing was I think the English alphabet but I couldn't quite see what each said.

Once again like my dessert map experience I'm thinking. " This is great what a brilliant idea showing me where I am going. Excellent.
I could still hear these voices. This was strange to still be hearing the same voices.
Next I'm immediately in a different environment and am in a dark environment almost like a black basement with a cave like look to it.I'm looking straight ahead at 3 entrances leading into where I was. The voices got louder then they came in ...........
4-5 men, smaller than average wearing suites as if working talking to each other BUT their heads were HORSES HEADS.!!
As I'm looking in disbelief I notice that one has red marking down the front that looked like paint as if the head had been painted.
Then it finished and opened my eyes.
I said it couldn't get any crazier.
How I didn't laugh out loud in bed I don't know. This wasn't meant to frighten me. If I had been frightened then maybe I could understand why I interpreted what I saw as something like that but I wasn't frightened.
Went back to sleep after a while and woke up to " whatever you record don't forget these are your friends"
I felt on wakening really happy as if I had had a really long conversation with myself ( ? Higher self)
So to sum up everything was going fine until the horses heads. can think of no logical reason for me to be shown horses heads .
If anything, the voices stayed with me from going into trance, during the journey and got louder as the people were shown.
Could this have been a simulation with no real important information for me but maybe practicing with help my clairaudience ( hearing ) As I've said before this has gone past the point of no return.