I cannt leave this out. This morning was like wearing those VR Headsets.
Only twice have I used those sets, both being the last two xmas days. I loved them. They were so scary but fun. Left me screaming like a child

This morning woke up at 5.30 am seeing an image of an ipad and a message pops up but from the bottom of the screen instead of the top. I then THINK the message "ANY THOUGHTS?".
So I sent out some clear thoughts that I would like a clearer understanding of the way forward.This business with the multi dimensional dragon. Surely I wouldnt benefit from focusing on dragons? Am I correct with elementals and elements?

Did a little energy work but once again decided I just wanted to go back to sleep.
Woke up to recall dream.
(Although this was recalled as a dream I was reliving it with the impact it had as if I was wearing the VR Headsetfor the later part of the dream.)

I'm in a room with a lot of older people. a screen is being set up in the front of the room for them to watch. I go to the back of the room where a nice lady comes over to me to tell me I have a lot of messages on my i phone. I comment on the amount and say they are probably all rubbish, but she is viewing my messages herself through a monitor and comments that there are some there that seem important. I may want to look at them. So she is looking through her monitor so I come over to view as well. Then I was just hurdled through the monitor as if I had entered it and found myself hurdling through space.

This was like a photograph I had been given to look at once and immediatly found myself in the photo taking part in the scene.

Now Im out in deep space in front of a planet. I can see it is slightly tilted as you can see a centre piece at the bottom like the bottom of an orange where the segments all meet.
I say to someone "that looks like earth", the reply comes that it is earth.
Next, infront of me is a giant metal claw like builders would use to dig out soil. It goes down to earth and I watch it dig a piece out and bring it back near me. Then a large arm and hand wearing an astronaut's suit with gloves takes the piece of soil and comes right infront of my vision and rubs the soil between its fingers as if showing me how it can be broken up, or what its made of.
Then I'm flying to the right and now we are surrounded by large chunks of solid pieces looking like chunks of ice. All different sizes. I remember thinking how awesome this was. The astraunaut's hand then takes a piece of ice from a block with its fingers and does exactly the same infront of me again.
At the time I seem to be working out the fact that earth and ice (water)were both elements .
That was all I can remember.

To observe closely? To study what its made up of? Maybe I would benefit from a better understanding of the elements.

Back to edit..... I now feel the importance to understand just what everything is made up of from space to earth... Everything which will involve from solid to liquid to gas to plasma involving atoms electrons etc etc.