On the other hand could the warmth and fondness be associated with the opening of love and affection which was suggested when I dreamt of the big snake entering the body and lodging in the heart a few weeks ago?
I am starting to See, to Hear, maybe I'm starting to open up to Feeling.....the Clairs........
This morning did energy raising , no long dream to remember but full of symbols whilst in and out of consciousness.
Another short brow centre strobe ,no headache but again I'm feeling as if someone has their hand pressing gently on my crown.
Symbols .... a flame/fire........shower switched on....long thin snake ...
Humpty Dumpty sitting on the wall and I heard the nursery rhyme....( for anyone reading this who doesn't know the nursery rhyme it is an egg that sits on the wall and falls off and smashes) ohhhhhhhhhh not an egg again!
A short scene where I'm sitting by the window looking out holding my mobile phone and hubby comes over to look over my shoulder at what is showing on the phone. I look as well and it shows a photograph taken of my hubby whilst on holiday with a dancing girl, but instead of the girl it is my late mother and she is waving and smiling and I hear a kiss planting on my cheeks.
That was lovely and a complete surprise.
Finally, whilst awake just thinking of getting up, eyes closed I could see a lovely purple/ red colour,this lasted about 6-7 seconds.