Short one this morning. Woke up to two bangs ( thought they were outside ) and a song .....take you to the picture show......
Recalled immediately and remember watching a big fish at the bottom of the ocean. It was swimming around, came across a similar fish but it was dead so decided to leave it alone. Went down to the sea bed where a similar fish was asleep with some kind of glass covering over it whilst it slept.The fish I had been watching flipped it's back tail against the glass ,making the noise I woke up to . I woke up to the song.
About 30 mins later thinking about this but still too early to get up my mind must have paused for a while when I (Thought.)
"Lightening may strike again " and I saw a lizard's head.
From what I understand symbols can have many different meanings, especially when I look up meaning on the Internet it is worrying that so many people can publish books that have completely different suggestions for needy people.
I adapted a policy to use just one book and sent out a request that any beautiful spirit that is working with me if possible to use the symbols within this book so I can understand anything that is sent.
The interpretation seems to suggest I need more meditation to see the information I am asking for.
I. 'M guessing here but the lightening strike may??? be brow centre strobe. I'll wait and see.