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Thread: Nursing babies

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    This morning woke up to seeing a large wooden door and remembered dream.
    I was in a holiday camp walking towards our cabin when my father comes out walking past when I ask him where he is going.( I have a toddler with me .) He says he is going to the holy stone . I want to go with him but he says he won't be long,back shortly.
    My mother is in the cabin and I ask her what we are having tonight where she says that tonight is free.
    We've been invited to the house of the people who own the shop, where we had been looking for a present.
    She tells me they just love me and want to adopt me into their home. They want me to knock on their door. As she says this she comes very very close to me and I focus on her mouth which then turns into the big wooden door I woke up to.

    Now I know dreams can be just what is on your mind or wishful thinking, but this has had me thinking this morning and I have just had a recap of my paper journal before this one started. Many of the events were recorded in different sections of this forum.

    A year ago I was given a goal to pray by a very spiritual man.
    Also around the period I saw a man sitting at a table with his hands in the prayer position. ( he was a look alike of how Jesus is portrayed in films) , once again being encouraged to pray.
    Around this time I experienced events involving beautiful,pastel rainbow colours,like clouds floating around.
    Beautiful ,graceful, slow moving translucent figures around me.

    Then the train, stationery in front of tracks with a green light which upon reflection as events occurred I took to mean I was on a journey of some kind.I really feel the last 12 months has been ,with plenty of assistance.

    The really vivid OBE being carried and dropped off at a boys Kindergarten.
    Past lives, either in the form of a hologram viewed after raising up from body and looking into third eye.( young boy in period costume with long white wig to shoulders)
    The picture of the battle field where I felt for the young boy dead on the ground.
    Then the baby AKEO which took a few days .
    Then when I BECAME for a very short period that person.
    The woman looking out of the window from a house in the river. ( not sure if this was AKEO or not)
    In the dessert when I knew I was being banished from the land and leaving a loved one.
    Then there was a big bold colourful portrait took form in third eye of a young man in period costume.( this may not have been me because at the time I had sent out a wish to be shown one lifetime I had apparently shared with the person who was drawn by a psychic artist with androgynous features.)

    Now during this period I have only had a few magical experiences involving beautiful colours.
    The boy I loved.
    The car in the water.
    The talking/ singing mushroom .
    The beautiful religious faces on the back of cards( feeling I was being urged to send love out)
    12 months ago I had a vivid dream where a man told me he would be back in a year to marry me. I told him I didn't want to ,it wasn't him I wanted. My book describes possible meanings of this as merging of energies.Intellectual and intuitive Or masculine and feminine parts of self.
    Then there was the very conscious OBE where I worked out the male/ female balancing act.

    I miss perceiving those beautiful colours and sounds and feel after this mornings dream that the time is right to start calling on these higher energies to guide me and maybe try a little harder with their suggestions of prayer and love.
    WoW Susan, what a dream full of have not asked my oppinion about it but as long as you have not said or asked me not to so here goes...
    The door is a door to soul school...the toddler is your not awakened part what has to be taught and learned....the father and mother is your HS....he is going to the holy stone...spheres where you are not allowed yet to enter...but will in time...the shop is about your desires...what has to become aware and controlled....likewise to become aware of how the law´s function in HS spheres ...thank you for sharing this speak´s volumes to me.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #182

    Re: Nursing babies

    Thank you AI56, you have given me so much hope.

    I just want to note that since I was early 20 s and nursing, for someone of my age I was attracted to the " geriatric ward " as we called it in those days. I was sensing the appreciation you got from them.
    Now in my late 50s this is more so. When people wonder if they are on the right path meant for them , I have no doubt .
    When people ask if I feel the energy ball created within the hands for bouncing back and forth I used to feel they had something that I wasn't able to do yet.
    In my posts I have often said that when energy raising I have no urge to use the hands.I just know my path is not for reaching the young, working in that field of employment. ( I don't mean that I feel I shouldn't, just that I never felt I wanted to.)

    I have just had three beautiful experiences today during work .
    1st, a lady who is so demanding and I would have described as a little odd and can be blunt which because of this I take my time.
    When she heard of my concern over family matters ( my son who has a medical problem but is abroad ) she very quietly without looking at me made it quite clear that if I needed any money she had plenty and I only needed to ask.
    ( I don't but she , at the time , didn't know this. )
    How beautiful was this, she comes across as a miserable complaining complicated old woman , and then shows her compassionate side to someone who is not even a member of the family.
    2nd . A lady in her 80s tells of the problems she has with neighbours and she seems to be taken advantage of because of her age, paying for services, ie window cleaning, refuge bins cleaning . Paying for neighbours services as well. ( why does age turn them into easy targets)
    But this 3rd experience did it for me .
    Mother in her 80s lost her husband of 50 years or more last year.
    Daughter very busy with much family commitment
    Mother talks of her memories of husband . Daughter comes in talking of everyday issues and putting decorations up.
    Mother talks of card on mantelpiece and how it reminds her of events during married life with late husband.
    Daughter talks of every day matters.
    I mention that I'm waiting for a call from a psychic artist who is printing Xmas cards for me with the most beautiful scenes. I told her of a little of experience.
    Her eyes light up.
    Daughters eyes roll and a remark is passed about people with dementia .
    My time to say goodbye but I could see in the mothers face that she had enjoyed that slight contact of hope .

    I know in my heart that I am in the job meant for me and for the elderly who are so vulnerable just being able to talk of the slightest experience I have had gives them a little more hope that they may have something to look forwards to.

    Forgot to mention, this am remembered dream where someone is telling me with conviction that I MUST bring ....... ( my son) back to Britain.
    Well I knew that he was coming back for Christmas so dismissed this as just imagination.
    Later today he sent me a text that he couldn't afford to come home as well as the news that he had a diagnosed medical condition.
    Things are sorted.
    Last edited by susan; 9th December 2013 at 10:20 PM.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Nursing babies

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Thank you AI56, you have given me so much hope.

    I just want to note that since I was early 20 s and nursing, for someone of my age I was attracted to the " geriatric ward " as we called it in those days. I was sensing the appreciation you got from them.
    Now in my late 50s this is more so. When people wonder if they are on the right path meant for them , I have no doubt .
    When people ask if I feel the energy ball created within the hands for bouncing back and forth I used to feel they had something that I wasn't able to do yet.
    In my posts I have often said that when energy raising I have no urge to use the hands.I just know my path is not for reaching the young, working in that field of employment. ( I don't mean that I feel I shouldn't, just that I never felt I wanted to.)

    I have just had three beautiful experiences today during work .
    1st, a lady who is so demanding and I would have described as a little odd and can be blunt which because of this I take my time.
    When she heard of my concern over family matters ( my son who has a medical problem but is abroad ) she very quietly without looking at me made it quite clear that if I needed any money she had plenty and I only needed to ask.
    ( I don't but she , at the time , didn't know this. )
    How beautiful was this, she comes across as a miserable complaining complicated old woman , and then shows her compassionate side to someone who is not even a member of the family.
    2nd . A lady in her 80s tells of the problems she has with neighbours and she seems to be taken advantage of because of her age, paying for services, ie window cleaning, refuge bins cleaning . Paying for neighbours services as well. ( why does age turn them into easy targets)
    But this 3rd experience did it for me .
    Mother in her 80s lost her husband of 50 years or more last year.
    Daughter very busy with much family commitment
    Mother talks of her memories of husband . Daughter comes in talking of everyday issues and putting decorations up.
    Mother talks of card on mantelpiece and how it reminds her of events during married life with late husband.
    Daughter talks of every day matters.
    I mention that I'm waiting for a call from a psychic artist who is printing Xmas cards for me with the most beautiful scenes. I told her of a little of experience.
    Her eyes light up.
    Daughters eyes roll and a remark is passed about people with dementia .
    My time to say goodbye but I could see in the mothers face that she had enjoyed that slight contact of hope .

    I know in my heart that I am in the job meant for me and for the elderly who are so vulnerable just being able to talk of the slightest experience I have had gives them a little more hope that they may have something to look forwards to.

    Forgot to mention, this am remembered dream where someone is telling me with conviction that I MUST bring ....... ( my son) back to Britain.
    Well I knew that he was coming back for Christmas so dismissed this as just imagination.
    Later today he sent me a text that he couldn't afford to come home as well as the news that he had a diagnosed medical condition.
    Things are sorted.
    Hi ussan

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #184

    Re: Nursing babies

    Oops sorry did it again .
    IA56' there got it this time

  5. #185

    Re: Nursing babies

    This was after wakening up about 5am and doing little energy work then falling asleep

    I am in a small plane as a passenger coming into land and can even feel the bumpy landing and swaying a little sideways as it tries to keep in a straight line on the runway.
    When I look out the window it's lovely. Reminds me of having been on holiday with long sandy beaches. I'm with my husband and father when I decide to take some photos of the place with my phone.
    My father and husband run ahead of me and enter a large building as if they know where they are going and I follow.
    They want to go downstairs and go ahead of me very quickly down the stairs.
    I go to follow them ,but this is the problem, the stairs.
    I don't know how they managed because they are very steep and there is nothing to hold onto. I look at the steps and even they are too wide apart that even if I was to face the steps and hold onto each one I would have to drop down with nothing to hold onto each time. I was scared and just couldn't. I turn around and see many people waiting for me to move so they can go down.
    With this I apologise and move away and sit down when a group of people come and sit around me. One young girl said I knew her. I told her I didn't think I did. Another girl agreed and said she didn't think she did either.
    End of dream.
    Now my father always used to come on holiday with us so I can understand why he was in my dream ( even though he looked super skinny) I think what stood out for me was how 2 times they darted ahead of me for me to follow.
    If only this had been an OBE I would have just flown down the stairs .
    Have just read a journal on Kurt Leylands site where he describes a visit to an area between astral and mental plane where people go to learn how to get around, when one of the trainers comes out of a gift shop.
    Gift shop. Could be coincidence but previous post I visited a gift shop and it was the owners who wanted to adopt me and wanted me to knock on their door.
    Food for thought.

  6. #186

    Re: Nursing babies

    Last couple of nights decided not to do energy raising when waking up as I was feeling I wasn't getting enough sleep, just try to forget and sleep and sleep. Didn't enjoy the dreams recalled, full of activity such as .

    With a group of people ( I don't think I knew) and we are in a lift that is open and moving in all directions up down sideways with a woman in charge standing in control at the front.
    Next night with a group of people standing on the coast line and we are all trying to keep this giant floating person in front of us from falling and touching the ground but we didn't have remote controls we had to think it. ( it landed with a bumpy landing, but it landed)

    Enclosed in an area with others. We cann't go out. There are soldiers outside. We are in an entrance now and all try to get out but a bus full of these soldiers ( looking very squashed) block the entrance . I just know access was denied.
    These dreams remind me of post 7th April page 5 , where this was an unusual dream with much activity I was taking part in with a group of people but not with the feeling that they were necessarily friends. ( this post included the musical sounding mushroom)

    However this morning after my main dream did just a little energy when got into that midway trance state when I pick up a new born baby from the floor. Turn it to face me and I just want to cuddle it when it says "HELLO MUMMY!"
    It then puts it's arms up reaching up to the sky with the arms slightly bent.
    This had me recall a dream I didn't record here. I thought it was a little too easy to interpret therefore wishful thinking.

    I'm sitting in a train with a young child with my hair colouring asleep with her head on my lap.
    A man is sitting next to me and a woman to the right of him.
    The child wakes up and goes to her daddy when he tells me they are taking her to meet George Clooney.
    I sit there thinking " what is she doing?"
    The mother is standing up looking up to the sky with a big smile on her face and has her hands raised up in the same position as the baby this morning did and she is talking to someone she is delighted to see.
    In the dream I'm thinking " who is she talking to. There's no one there . She can see someone we cann't"
    After the dream I was thinking ....why didn't I dream Brad Pitt. George Clooney more my age group but he wouldn't have been my first choice.
    The position of the arms reaching upwards I think is a link. Is this trying to encourage me to reach upwards with thoughts?
    Last edited by susan; 13th December 2013 at 10:05 PM.

  7. #187

    Re: Nursing babies

    Forgot to note. Had been wondering if I should quit the all over energy body work out and concentrate more on the brow area when I saw a mans head wearing a miners helmet with a light shining from the front ( brow area)

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Oklahoma USA
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    Re: Nursing babies

    Hi, Susan In my mind/experience babies are often representative of our higher self - the one that's becoming within us. That this particular baby appeared to be some other couples' baby, though a bit of a twist, remains YOU and prob only means your personal growth is in the care of 'others'; communally speaking. "We all get out together".
    Love the miner's helmet. Miners dig deep and in darkness except where the lamp shows. You're a brave person, Susan. I like that!
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  9. #189

    Re: Nursing babies

    Hi Richard, interesting you used the word 'Brave' because I woke up to someone telling me not to be frightened.I wasn't going to bother posting this one but here goes.
    I dreamt that I was first day on a ward nursing but had had no tuition and was a little uncomfortable that I couldn't remember how to do some of the procedures. ( in my dream I seemed to remember that I had previously trained but a long time ago) . Still in the dream I'm now asleep on a bed when someone I know kneels down to speak to me. I tell him I feel I've been thrown in the deep end and could I have some training first.? I feel I cann't manage without help.
    Now I woke up before the next one and just to mention that in physical life the water board have informed us that the water supply will be turned off in a few days so they can carry out some necessary repair work outside. This is not a problem for me as I'll be at work and wasn't even thinking about it.
    So next dream , in the dream I wake up and can hear my tap downstairs running. I go downstairs to see what's happened when my kitchen tap is running full blast. I cann't switch it off because the workmen have taken the top off the tap and left one of their tools attached to it. I realise that they had let themselves in but they mean well because they are doing repair work and I see a message written for my attention explaining that .when I'm reading this I hear someone to the left of me say in my ear.
    " Don't be frightened"
    I have no issue in physical that this could refer to ( unless it hasn't happened yet) I feel this has to do with the last few days dreams posted above .

  10. #190

    Re: Nursing babies

    Tonight I am at a loss . My husband has just lost his much loved mother but due to reasons can not be at the funeral. Family have contacted on phone but he has felt such sadness. So I came in from work wondering if maybe this is the time to give some insight to a bit of what I am going through.showed him some cards from a psychic artist that I had collected and asked him what he could see . He put his glasses on and couldn't see anything. 3 people today upon asking the same question all saw the same beautiful two angels together with birds in the sky. He saw nothing . Just when the time seems right to let him in to my experiences to comfort him .he sees nothing. Is he blocking out or just not ready yet because this was the perfect timing?

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