Whilst reading Robert' ' Treatise on Astral Projection'( revised edition) he describes each plane as he experienced although pointing out that there are no signposts saying where you are.
This got me recognising some experiences I've had and intended to go through journal and pick out one or two to see the similarities.
However that will be done later.
I found myself looking at different websites explaining their understanding of the planes of existence and not always agreeing.
This got me thinking of the bigger picture and just how much we can have different belief systems.
And ' Where does God fit in here' what is it? Does IT exist.
Some bible bashers may feel pity on those who don't believe in a God. Problem is, until I know what 'IT ' is I don't know if I believe in 'IT'.

I stumbled upon ( with my fingers)
MICHAEL's TEACHINGS, at Michaeleducationalfoundation.com
This is reported to be an entity claiming to be channeled from the Casual Plane. What I like about what I read was that the teachings are not meant to be a belief system but a scource of information that encourages students to continue to question all beliefs.
I want to post here what I read as this explained so much to me and answers my question. Who or what is God.

The Infinate Soul. The total consciousness of the universe. The whole of which we are part of.
Western philosophy known as GOD.

Symbol of Tao.

Ego. I'm always hearing that we need to loose our Ego. What do we need to loose?
Our belief in our separateness from the universe and Tao ,(God)

So how are we connected? Or how were we connected?

Tao, God is the total consciousness of the universe, learning its own lessons and dealing with its own game plans. The motivational force is that the universe wishes to know itself.
The universe creates games through which it can have new experiences.
One game is ' the experience of separateness.'
The physical plane is used for this by experiencing a separate body, identity and consciousness as separateness.
All activity within the universe is governed by individual and collective choice.
Individual parts,( called fragments, or Essences,in other words US )of universal consciousness agrees to enter physical plane. Approx 5%, of which we are part of. This fragment ( US )experience ourselves as separate and limited, moving through 7 planes of existance eventually returning to be united again with total consciousness of Tao ( God) . This being the Cycle of Experience.

Fragments,us, deciding to come here 1st go to Bardo.
Here entities are formed, groups of around 1,000 fragments,us,all agreeing to share their consciousness and experiences throughout an entire cycle through 7 planes of existance.
7 entities form a Cadre.
12 Cadres make an energy ring.
Most of our relationships will be from our Cadre, members from our energy ring.

So, if I am understanding this correctly, I am a group of approx 1,000 others ( all originating from God)
My group I am in and 6 other groups form a Cadre. ( that makes around 7,000 of us)
An energy ring is made up of 12 Cadres.( 12x 7,000 of us)

A lot here to take in . Sounds incredible but then life is incredible.

At this stage we choose what characteristics we will have.an essence twin may be chosen.
The entire entity (1,000 of us) shares a telepathic higher consciousness. After being fragmented and having completed the experience of the physical plane they later reunite on the astral plane.
The entity fragments do not all come to the physical plane at the same time.some will forge ahead and others will follow later.

Commitment to the physical plane involves working through an entire cycle of experience
Re) moving through different levels of soul perception involving series of lives on physical plane, then moving through levels of 6 planes ( cycles) as you advance towards Tao/ God once again.
The decision to retain full consciousness whilst returning to physical is made by Tao/ God.
When this happens this is called The Manifestation of the Infinate Soul.)
In this case the Infinate soul is not on earth to learn but to teach and assist souls and the entire planet. The Infinate Soul can manifest from any 7 planes of existance in whatever form.
Jesus, Buddha, Mithra and Mohammed are examples.

The normal ( cannt believe I'm writing the word NORMAL. ) process taken by us Fragments is to agree to forget connectedness to the Tao/ God, whilst on physical plane .
The benefit of forgetting allows us to take on new experiences for growth, separateness encouraging growth, searching for answers encouraging experiments with new methods.
As the fragment (us) ages and accumulates experiences on physical plane the forgetfulness wears thin longing to reunite with the consciousness of its entity and the Tao/ God.
This drive becomes strong in older souls as they complete their experiences here.
Eventually the fragment ' cycles off' the planet by not taking on any more bodies here and moves on to lessons on the astral plane.

As you pass through the planes experiencing each one completing the circle you recombine with the rest of your entity, then with other entities becoming more and more merged with total consciousness of the universe , slowly releasing the separateness as you learn and accept they are part of yourself.
In the higher planes( mental, messianic,buddhaic) you are in contact with Tao /God.
1st intellectually, then emotionally, energetically becoming part of the whole , Tao/ God.

Wow, this is so much to take in and digest and play around with and maybe question but for me this is the first time I've had a possible explanation of the complete cycle.
I'm really drawn to this explanation. I've thought so much of self, past selves, higher self but that is as far as I got.
We are told we are spirit/ soul/essence/ being part of something and at the same time being immortal.
Need time to digest but am close to saying I understand what God is therefore close to saying ' yes ' I do believe in God. ( it just might not be the same as someone else's God)