Another class room dream again with a test coming up.
I'm in my dressing gown going into a classroom with two presents under my arm. I'm not due until later for the test but some people are coming in now for theirs. I leave the presents in the corner for later when I return as the teacher comes in. I remind her as I leave that I'm not due until this afternoon . She knows. She tells me that Susan ( I visualise a girl I used to work with in physical who had the same name as me) has been excused and won't be in because she has been under some stress recently.
As I looked at her to speak my eyes were hurting as if looking straight up at full sun. They were uncomfortable and I took off my sunglasses to rub them ( wasn't aware in the dream prior to this that I had any on)but couldn't look straight at her, the glare of the sun was too strong.I apologised for not being able to look at her.
Woke up instantly.

So dreams I know can just be what is on your mind.
I've had the classroom dream before and a test coming up and did indeed experience an OBE that left me working out the sequence of events and putting them into some kind of order that had me conclude this may have been a retrieval .( 25th Sept page 33)
What stays with me here is the warmth ( once again) from the teacher. I felt she would not judge me if I failed the test and she would understand. Very loving. Also the corridor outside entering the door on the left.

When the mind is troubled I feel we can have so much confusion in our dreams that it is easy to dismiss as just a dream.
For me I've discovered it is to my benefit to take note of a lot I pick up when in an okay frame of mind.
So why didn't I? The other morning when I heard a message . Because I didn't want to hear it so I decided it must be just chatter picked up , nothing to do with me.
1) early am went back into a light sleep after thinking about tax return I was about to do and how much I had put away to pay the Inland Revenue. I had calculated how much was needed and everything fine. Thought about going out next day to buy something I've been saving up for .Woke up to .. But your going to be short.... This didn't make sense so dismissed.
2 days later filed return on line. The ************ wanted more than I had expected, £1,500 more than expected.
Apparantly because my due amount was above a certain figure they now require 6 months in advance also and more in July.����

2) I interpreted a dream about my son which I thought he would like to hear , especially with problems at the moment. It was welcome news. Woke up to ... It was never meant as that... In time the hope I gave him was unfounded. I can see now how easy it is to interpret something but take the meaning you want to put on it. When I later felt I could now understand the meaning and where I went wrong, was thinking this out before going to sleep I woke up to .......a thought...inspirational..
so once again just Love the contact, even if it is me, I'm not alone , I'm talking to me, helping me, or someone is.