2 short dreams only, not sure if worth posting but ..... Here goes.

I'm travelling with a group of friends(I wouldn't recognise them in real life. I just knew they were friends.)
I felt this place we were passing through was a community of people all living together and further along was another community. The strange thing is that there was nothing between the two communities, no land, no sea, just empty space. We were on the street where everyone was out having fun. A group of people were putting on a show of Greek dancing and they were really good at it. Someone comes up behind me and gives me a massive ice cream with a big chunk of chocolate on top.I just go to eat it when the wind blows the chocolate off. They laugh,I go to eat the ice cream,got to my mouth. I wake up. DRAT!

2nd dream. I'm standing by a stall with items on it for sale when someone comes and picks up a doll and walks away with it. I'm wondering why he didn't pay for it when he acknowledges to my husband that it was only on loan.
I'm now in a busy place and I'm going to miss my bus home. I go down different streets,see people, drat forgotten something,need to go back to find it. Start again but I'm going to be late for the bus, forgotten something else, got to go back again.
Some friends ask me if I want them to show me to the bus station. I walk with them down to the bottom of one street and the bus stop is there .I realised I needn't get a bus they had taken me home.( I remember this was a village by the sea I lived in as a child and at the bottom of the village if you looked up the street with the sea behind you , two roads ran parallel , meeting at the bottom. )
I had been trying the other route .
Delighted at being home and it was Sunday decided to but a newspaper and sunbathe on the beach.
Woke up.. Fat chance of that, but it was nice to wake up to feeling happy so I'm going to have a lazy day today.