Have I been given the meaning of a new symbol to look out for?
This morning waking from that very light sleep ( approx 30 mins) recalled the end of a dream.
I've drawn a picture. ( not good at drawing) It was a bird with its wings stretched out flying in the sky. Someone ( who I felt was my leader) asks to have a look at it and tells me " every time you see one of those it will mean a Soul Reunion".
I woke up but it was one of those times again when you feel you are suddenly woken up and the picture and words were the first thing to recall.
Yesterday through the day I had felt so grounded. Spent all day potting up seeds, plants, painting fence. Was in my element, loved it didn't want to come in. So last night when going to bed I had no intention of trying for anything through the night . The only thought I sent out before drifting off was for help in understanding the significance of seeing the young boy outlined in stars.
I wrote previously wondering why I'm always seeing a boy. The first page of this journal details me going on a journey and seeing a train stationery with green lights ahead. A very conscious OBE where I was put down on a verandah on a child's plastic chair and given a bowl of fruit and asked " haven't you ever seen a boys kindergarten before? " The boy I was taken to meet , that I loved from the bottom of my heart and there was a mother figure in the background.He had my hair colouring.
This is all listed in my first post of the journal.