This morning as I woke I saw a drawing of a rocket placed upright.
The drawing was made up of short straight lines but non of the lines touched each other, all vertical.
At the side of the rocket was the word ATOM.

Recalled dream straight away and I was in a room watching two people. The person I was watching was having to change classrooms and the other person I think was a teacher . The teacher asks her if she knows where to go? She told her she was going to have a change of subject and she would be studying Maths.
Just as I finish recalling the dream I pick up ,


Although I don't get the blasting through people thing I'm pretty sure the rest is self explanatory.
How I wish I had paid more attention in school. I haven't a foggy about atoms ions all the rest so today I've found a BBC website as a starter covering key points for GCSE level.
On reflection the folder I've compiled when learning about Platonic solids, Fractals, Phi the golden spiral,golden ratio comes together with easier understanding when written down and filed all together.
A reminder of famous sayings.

'Reality is mathematical in nature'.

' All is number'.

Plato considered PHi as the key to the understanding of the cosmos.

Pleased with what I picked up yesterday morning.

Just a quick flash of two small red postal vans. One is parked in the drive of a neighbour who lives 4 doors down from me. The second postal van pulls up onto the drive of my next door neighbour. As his van pulls up the other van 4 doors down pulls away off his drive and drives away.

I didn't know what this was about. Went to work. At about 3pm just nipped home for a quick snack before going back out again to find the post had been. A letter addressed to my son which he was waiting for with very good news in for him that should have been delivered to his other address but came here instead.

I realise now that fairly obviously the red postal van suggests some mail worth noting and the two neighbours both retired ,job share delivering prescriptions ( their van is white) and because they live close to work and are out delivering they are always popping home in between deliveries.( I popped home)