I feel so lucky to be picking up good advice as I wake. Often the dream recalled has nothing to do with what I pick up. It's as if ..' Get in there quick'..in fact I've noticed that very often someone will enter my dream right at the end with important words.

I'd been thinking that the job I'm in I love and is in the health profession but I get paid for this.( even though I got clouted over the head the other day by a dimentia patient who had spent her life in the Salvation Army. Didn't hurt she was very frail)
I have no spare time or energy to do voluntary work.
Is there something I'm not thinking of?

Clairvoyance/ clairaudience.

***. Quick flash of a monkey with a human hand feeding mashed banana into its mouth.
Picked up ' This is disgraceful'.


The monkey was being fed so was being looked after. This had me remember a program I saw a few months ago about the Orangutans in Borneo and how they are loosing their lives and home due to human demand for Palm oil. Orphaned young ones being rescued and cared for. So so sad to watch them.
So since picking this up I've adopted a young Orangutan. Beryl, only five years old. It isn't much but I'll get an update every 6 months on her progress. This will be a constant reminder to me just what is happening out there.


***. Quick flash of a green council bin for recycling tins, cardboard, plastic. There was a black cat at the side that quickly ran away as the lid opened


Didn't get it. I do recycle stuff. Also the cat? I used to think a black cat was lucky but most that I've read suggests bad luck. The next night a dream followed.
I go to the house next door to pick up my baby I've asked my neighbours to look after.the house looks poorly decorated.( I didn't know the characters being used) I come back home but the husband next door comes to my door and is angry with me.He says they are not as well off as me and have enough to do.Its them that should be helped.
End of dream.
This reminded me that only two weeks ago I had taken one of the many charity bags from the cupboard to put rubbish in and felt a little guilty that I have things that could be put in and taken to a charity shop but am always too lazy. I think this was a reminder that there are some people who would benefit and appreciate these unwanted things.
Haven't yet done a bag but will soon. I'm thinking Salvation Army.


****. Quick flash of a woman's face with a frown and a puzzled look on face with finger up to forehead.
Picked up " Oh my career needs help"
Then immediatly after saw the soil on the ground with a large whole dug out with a plant planted deep just showing the upper leaves.

This was a funny one because I have a career but if only I could retire early I would want to spend every moment in the garden and greenhouse growing from seed.
So other day Husband comments I've wasted money on strawberries I bought. They're dead. ( their not he's exaggerating) but 6 were doing nothing.
Went to water them same day I picked this up and got thinking so bent down to have a better look and the water had washed away the soil and exposed a lot of their roots. I hadn't noticed this before.
This must have been to dig deeper into the soil. Have potted up, tucked soil up right to the neck and brought into greenhouse for a little TLC.

So to sum up, no earth shattering revelations coming through, no wild adventures in astral but something I find more rewarding and comforting, continual good advice to help me in my daily life.