For my journal to note,
From what I experienced and concluded as a well done ; for what I thought may be to do with my actions in physical, to the feeling of failure just shows how easy it is to fall from grace. ( my own grace subconsciously, as I can recognise my own failure)
Aunt claire mentioned the difference of our own energy body ( kundalini energy ) and where it is compared to a vortex seen as a different energy. In that case any vortex viewed must be something to aim for . I may be wrong but the ones I've viewed have been above me going higher.( never have and never want to view one going downwards)
I find it hard to believe that any vortex could aim higher than the angelic silver city but then what do I know. I only record experiences.
There is so much out there within our reach and also currently out of our reach.
Must increase energy work, build up energy .
Just getting rid of 5 days of cold. Tried 2 hours energy when fell asleep very quickly. ( sometimes body just needs recovery period)

This morning woke up to seeing my front door with a milk bottle on the door step.
No dream attached, this was viewed in a flash.
Wondered at first if I should be drinking more milk. ( cannot bear to drink milk but have plenty of cheese and milk products.)
4 hours later I get word that our suitcase has been found and has been delivered to my door by the airline.
Some people go to the shop for milk and some get theirs delivered to their doors.( left on doorstep)
This is like one big jigsaw that has to be worked at piece by piece, sometimes we push pieces in to place because they look as if they fit and we want them to fit but in time a better piece ( meaning) comes along .