For the past two mornings Ive remembered little scenes that have shown where maybe I could have been a little more considerate towards someone. Two different topics but towards the same person. I was failing to consider this person`s feelings.
Easily fixed.

Yesterday had me back working in a Dimentia care home. What could have been an exhausting frustrating day was very different.
Concentrating on healthy light food (with some treats) and drinking loads of water has resulted in weight loss which means plenty more vitality. However, I think I`ve lost the urge just now to try energy raising through the night and I think this has helped.
These lovely confused people need someone to talk to , even if what they say doesn't make any sense.
I decided it didnt matter how few I got through and tried a little test. I gave them my undivided attention from approaching them, to walking with them to the room, treating them and taking them back.
Being aware of this resulted in complete co operation from them and a thank you.
How easy it is to carry out a task but be aware of conversations around and distractions and get caught up in them.. How easy it is to ignore briefly this confused person as long as she is sitting where she should or walking in the right direction.
One gentleman every minute was giving out a loud shriek.A man sitting next to him couldn't take any more and leaned over to hit him but was too far away. A new lady couldn't stand this any more but was not good on her feet so kept telling him to shut up. The staff had learnt to ignore all of this and carry writing up their care plans.
This sounds like a criticism of the staff but it isn't meant to be. Its just how things work. If only there was enough money around to give these people an individual assigned specifically to them.

This morning in that dozy state had been thinking something through when in mid sentence of thought I picked up REFINE THE SOUL. When this happens its like a jolt in my head but I think this is just me being surprised and shifting to more of an awake state.
Dozing off again and a sudden jolt and I see a large Red Robin standing under my bush in the garden but behind the Robin is a large round ball of mist just behind the head, about a 1/3 the size of the bird.
So does this ball of mist represent the energy of the bird like an orb? Or does it have any relevance to the previous post about the bears seen vaguely in amongst the fog?? A Veil? Or is there no connection? Getting lost here.

Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post

This morning dream, well just short scene upon wakening.
I'm watching again.
A female is sitting on a chair and she is given a hand mirror to hold. This Is like an antique with elaborate coloured detail painted on it. She is told to study this carefully.
A mirror reflects the person...ME..I think this is the going deeper within myself.

Back to add a thought.
An orb represents energy. This could represent the bird`s energy outside itself maybe representing what we are encouraged to do. Project our energy outside our physical and connect with nature. Connect with the energy of plants and wildlife around me??? Just a wild guess.