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Thread: Feeling of isolation.

  1. #1

    Question Feeling of isolation.

    Can I ask a serious question to people on this site who through the day have a job where they do not do spiritual work as such
    ' working as a healer or giving clairvoyance or in fact anything in connection with the spirit world?
    Do you feel you are living 2 lives ? Do you feel that when talking to people they are so in this world and grounded that if you told them a snippet of what you were experiencing they would feel sorry for you. This physical life I know is so important but the knowledge we have without proof makes me feel isolated.
    . I feel I am acting when talking to my husband and anyone through the day in my work because you have to get so involved in every day issues which has absolutely no connection to what I look forward to.

  2. #2
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    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    Even though my husband is very supportive, I always wonder if he's just humoring me. However, I'm lucky in that we go to a church that is very metaphysically oriented, and know many people who are at least 'in tune' with what I consider important and sometimes are well versed in metaphysical matters. The type of work I do (computer work) makes the 'job' thing irrelevant in the sense of spirituality, but I understand and can relate to a sense of 'being different' to pretty much everyone else- but it's always been like that so I'm used to it.
    Probably not helpful at all, but I remember having a job in which everyone else is completely different to me in matters of spirituality. It's just been a while since then.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    I know exactly how you feel. In the past 12 months my sense of reality has changed so much that I know most people would think I was mental! I never knew what it was to feel lonely but my recent experiences have made me feel somewhat isolated but yet very very happy. My partner doesn't believe in any of this but I think he resists because deep down he knows it to be true and that frightens him. He does listen and never ridicules etc and I suppose you could say he is supportive in that way. It's so frustrating that other people cannot/will not perceive the world the way we do...think of the fun we would have!

    I am not currently in employment. I walked away from a successful career and secure employment and out into the terrifying world of financial insecurity identity and all that I held valuable was washed away. A decision that I'm sure which appeared totally irrational to those around me. Eventually I will have to return to the world of work and I know what you mean...much of it is pointless. Ain't going back to my old job so what to do I don't know. But I'm gonna hand all that over to the Universe it seems to know what it's doing.

  4. #4

    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    I feel isolated and have only my hubby to talk to when excitement overflows. I am grateful for this forum and think about how it must have been 30-100 years ago. One of the first things I read was about a poet in the German war who hid in a closet for two years and during that time learned to fly. I am fatigued today so can't remember his name, starts with a C. He hid fro the Germans and he wrote about his journeys. Further back they were burned at the stake. I am getting morose I will stop there.

  5. #5
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    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    I agree with Eyeswideopen about this forum.

    I do talk to my husband about things I perceive and so on, but he really doesn't grok. He doesn't mock me or anything, but I can tell he doesn't get it. He hears, he tries to understand, but... it's like talking to someone who is colourblind about your latest abstract painting. He can kinda see it, but he doesn't get it.

    Most of my "talk about weird existential metaphysical" stuff happens here, and often in private with a few people I love and trust.

    As for the work you do, even the Apostle Paul made tents for a living, you know? And what's wrong with making tents, anyway? People need tents, right? Honest work is not "unspiritual". In fact, NOTHING is inherently "not spiritual" in my reality these days. There is no division between "spiritual" and "not". It's all made of the same stuff, it's just that the material is manifest.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  6. #6

    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    Thank you girls for your honesty. I do work in the health care profession and deal a lot with elderly people especially , and a lot of warmth and cuddles fill the day so in a way the caring and helping and love part of spirituality fills my day. I am lucky that way.
    ButterflyWoman, and EWO, you are both so right about this forum.
    The main theme for groups getting together for spiritual stuff around here is to talk about reading cards, crystals,connecting to someone's "uncle Harry", auras. I even stopped going to evenings my local holistic shop were having because there would be people standing up teaching about these things that I really have little interest in . As I sheepishly told a group of 6 at a table about a couple of my experiences they didn't know what to say.One girl ,rather indignant manner, asked me "Why on earth would you want to do that? I cann't see the point". No body knew what to say it was completely alien to them.
    I think that anything that was out of their comfort zone to talk about they put shields .
    Well I cann't see things changing so will have to just live with a big secret.

  7. #7
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    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    The main theme for groups getting together for spiritual stuff around here is to talk about reading cards, crystals,connecting to someone's "uncle Harry", auras.
    99% of the time people who are into those things are just as material-bound as anyone else. I have a whole collection of rocks (i.e., crystals), and they're just as spiritual as my cup of tea, you know? But try telling certain people something like that and they'll give you a big song and dance about how special this object or that object is... really? Some material object is somehow inherently spiritual? I mean... think about it....

    (Note: I have no particular issues with reading cards or collecting crystals or anything else of that sort. I just am very much aware that the whole "X is spiritual" thing is mostly nonsense. Sure, the crystals can work for you, so can the cards, so can a lot of things, but that's because your own belief in the material thing or process or whatever allows it to be real.)

    By the way, I've been a mystic my entire life (first distinct "mystical experience" was when I was about five), and I'm the most practical person you're likely to meet. I'm not easily impressed, I am not easily swayed, I am not easy to convince of anything, and I tend to naturally be cynical. And yet, tra la, mystic, born that way. So this whole idea of what "spiritual people" are like is also pretty much a big pile of horse poo. I'm just saying. (But, see, if I was REALLY spiritual I'd be communing with my crystals and I wouldn't say "poo" because crystals are spiritual and poo is not. Or something.)
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  8. #8

    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Regza View Post
    I am not currently in employment. I walked away from a successful career and secure employment and out into the terrifying world of financial insecurity identity and all that I held valuable was washed away. A decision that I'm sure which appeared totally irrational to those around me. Eventually I will have to return to the world of work and I know what you mean...much of it is pointless. Ain't going back to my old job so what to do I don't know. But I'm gonna hand all that over to the Universe it seems to know what it's doing.
    Nice. I could have written this exactly. Same for me. In end-2011, when they cancelled my old job I was offered another post at my company I worked at for already 11 years. It was more stressful, more time-consuming and just not what I wanted to do and "be" anymore. I declined and walked away into temporary joblessness to pursue my 'career' (I'd better say path, huh?) as a healer, at least part time. For everyone I would tell this or have told it it is probably highly irrational behaviour. But so be it. I am happy with the way it went despite the hardships of the transitional phase I am in now still (but the end of the tunnel seems in sight now). I could not explain this life choice to many people I guess. They don't understand as they are stuck too deeply into the system (and materiality, I guess), but I don't blame them for it.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  9. #9
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    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    I was basically disowned by my family when after some very successful years as an accountant, I decided that career was not me. Oddly enough, my fall-back was music - which of course, the accounting degree and life was supposed to be my fall-back to that music career, by which I worked my through college.

    I fell from grace. But there was no alternative - be a slave to a cog in business or break free and freelance the rest of my life.

    I'll never regret that decision but I'll never be free of its consequences either. I was virtually cut out the will and my extended family thinks I'm one of those 'artistics temperaments' that just 'aint quite right' in the head. Not saying I AM quite right in the head, but it was a spiritual need that persuaded me to try to follow the nobel eight-fold path - 'right work'. I could no longer perticipate in the injustice of the corporate imperative.

    My experience? it'll cost you, but you can make it work.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  10. #10

    Re: Feeling of isolation.

    Eyeoneblack. This forum wouldn't be the same without your blunt ,honest view of how you perceive things, with gentlemanly humour when appropriate.
    You've found your family here.

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