Something out of the ordinary happened last week. I thought of just keeping my thoughts and experiences to myself for a while as I take my own little journey, but my curiosity is getting the better of me and a recent experience keeps bobbing up in my thoughts. There seem to be a few people here who seem fairly familiar with astral projection/OBE and the chakras. I was hoping someone would be willing to comment on the following experience.

I was on my back, hands outstretched and using my mind’s eye to see them in the way Robert suggests. I wasn’t sure if I simply had a very active and clear imagination, or if I was actually seeing them as I turned my hands this way and that, but kept going. Shortly after I could feel the energy begin to flow internally. It was very strong, but not unpleasant, and came with an overwhelming sense of well-being and that’s when I saw, in my mind’s eye, an eruption of yellow come from the core of my body. It was nearly the width of my body and came out much like you would imagine a volcano erupting. I was aware of being aware of this and thought maybe I was projecting, or about to, and was determined to stay with it. Unfortunately, probably due to lack of focus, I started thinking of a giant hand picking me up to take me wherever I wanted to go instead. I saw three familiar faces (of very spiritually strong people) and felt like the energy eruption (I cannot think of better descriptive word) was connecting them. I felt a sense of purpose immediately followed with worry that I might be actually be disturbing these three people and managed to crash the whole experience. I just fell asleep after that.

I am open to any and all thoughts in regards to that yellow eruption, even if I am told I have an overactive imagination. I know it wasn’t a dream.