I am currently 25 almost 26 years old, and I first started experiencing sleep paralysis when I was in high school, in 11th grade, but didn't know what it was at the time.

At that time, it would happen when I would stay up late and be completely exhausted (staying up and studying for finals haha). I would feel the vibrations throughout my head, and hear the undeniable shrieking sounds/children yelling/weird sounds. At the time when it would happen, I had no idea what was happening, so I would either wake up then scared/worried, or a few minutes afterwards.

I had these experiences for a little while (randomly however), and then there would be times where I once again have sleep paralysis, and during my sleep paralysis, it would feel like my body was on the other side of the bed, or my foot was on the opposite side of the bed. This must have been my expanded energy body/projectable double moving around.

Anyways, I then started researching and started looking into sleep paralysis as to ease my worries. What I then ended up doing, was turning my sleep paralysis experiences into OBE's, which was pretty insane. I wouldn't get very far, I would make it into my living room which happened once, or simply up to my door.
HOWEVER, one night, I had an experience where I had an OBE, and no matter how many times I tried to get back in my body, I couldn't. My mind was freaking out, I was getting very scared, and thought that I was going to die for a while, I couldn't stop freaking out.

Since that experience, I still had sleep paralysis after that, but not as pronounced in the past few years (although it still does happen now). My question/main concern is, is how do I get over the fear of leaving my body after such a traumatic experience? I feel like even when I meditate and I start feeling disconnected/not feeling my body, I kind of get scared/excited, and it ruins the experience. I feel like there are fears in my higher self about leaving my body since that experience, and need some true help as to how to overcome those fears.

Whoever has a lot of experience with this issue, please write back, and let me know.

Thank you.