Hello Mr. Bruce,

My question is simple, can I use the mental wandering technique described by Bardon (or a similar one) to operate in the Real Time Zone. If I were to use the playing card experiment, where I try to see a card chosen randomly from a deck while projecting, will it work with mental wandering? If so, can you tell me in brief what the overall mechanics of this is?

When I do a RTZ projection, a copy of consciousness is transferred to the projected double. If I use mental wandering, will this projected double be more like a point of consciousness, and consequently will it take less energy to maintain allowing me to remain the RTZ for a longer period?

Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to answer my and everyone else’s questions, it is extremely generous of you. I have already learned a great deal from reading the posts in this forum category.

PS -- I realize that the "copy of consciousness" thing is your term not Bardon's, and that he has a somewhat different theory about what occurs when you project (ie the mental body leaves the physical-astral).