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Thread: Alien abduction

  1. Alien abduction

    Interesting article:

    I haven't read much about UFOs and alien abduction before. It was just about a year ago that I started reading about NDEs and OBEs along with various scientific research investigating these experiences/phenomenons.

    I was just reading Robert Monroe's Journey Out of the Body in which he talks about locale I, II and III. Locale I is our physical universe. Locale II is a non-material world powered by thought, where you'll find the origin of all religion and things/creatures that come out of man's mind (humanoids, werewolves, goblins, fairies, etc). What we have or understand today is only how the conscious mind filters and interprets them. The thought occurred to me that maybe alien abductions might be just OBEs into Locale II.

    HOWEVER, the article above mentioned that these UFOs and aliens are from the same physical universe that we reside, so it sounds like they are part of Locale I and not of a different space/time/dimension? The article talks about the collective consciousness of different races and the ensuing 'war' between humans and other intelligent life forms.

    Now I don't know what I believe or is true (Bruce said the only way to know is to experience, obviously, I haven't experienced any first-hand account of alien sighting or alien abduction). I'm just trying to understand more about this topic with the materials/evidence we have today.

    Would love to hear what others think/understand/know about this topic.

    What's the theory on the origin of other intelligent life forms?
    Did they come out of the Big Bang?
    Did Source (aka God in some religion) create them?
    Are there multiple 'Sources'?

  2. #2
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    Re: Alien abduction

    I have no doubts that there are other intelligent life forms within our own Universe. Many believe about the Pleiadians who come from the Pleiads. I believe there are many other life forms here, possibly many still human looking, some animals, and many of other life forms. I do not believe in the theory of the big bang. I believe the source created everything. I believe he exists in the outside of all Universes and I believe there are different planes for different beings. I believe there is only one source we will all return to one day. I believe we are not in a reality based world, but a simulation of what we had made possible before our recent incarnation. I believe in multiple lives and I believe we are the directors of whatever happens within our lives. Of course, all of this could be false until experienced. They are all beliefs, but they are not truths until you figure out what is truth and what is illusion. I still have to find all these truths myself.

  3. #3
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    Re: Alien abduction

    If everything exists in all levels at the same time, and in all kingdoms. Then I am in different state of evolution/consiusness development....that I am a fraction of the whole of me in all states and different evolution...and to collect me into ONE in the end...and my developed fraction is the one who helpĀ“s my self to develp on the other kingdoms and be continued....I am in a very intensive period of my life I have little hard to collect me to say anything what can make sense....I will return

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4

    Re: Alien abduction

    The phenomenon (and that does not yet state too much) is true for sure. The number of experiencers over the years is in the thousands if not millions. I've read a book that interpreted Medieval and ancient accounts as abductions too, so there is an entire (human) history envolved.

    However, when I skimmed a little across the text of this linked page you gave above, and especially the so-called "Allies of Humany" source, which is actually just one guy who claims to "channel" these "allies" who talk about all those many evil aliens around us ... my hairs stand on end. Seriously.

    It's not that I know sth or could disprove any of it. But many things are open to interpretation. And this page gives us a lot of the negative interpretation again which is more or less nothing but sheer fear mongery.

    I recommend to read Dolores Cannon's books about the abduction / Alien / ET topic. They give another - surprising! - take on the whole phenomenon. A more positive outlook, too, at least in part. Of course, you do not have to believe her or the transcripts she delivers from her clients. She does regressions before groups, so I assume and believe she does not make it all up herself. Make of it and her "info" what you will, I just give this info to add some variety to all of the Hollywood-style fear porn we experience these days with this topic.

    Throughout the mid to late 1980s, Dolores work slowly began taking her in a completely new direction of exploration. She was introduced to the area of UFO and ET investigation in 1985 when she attended her first annual meeting for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), one of the largest and most respected investigative UFO organizations in the world. One year later, Dolores'' interests took her to the United Kingdom where she conducted on-site studies of suspected UFO landings and investigated numerous crop circles found in the English countryside. In 1987, at one of the annual MUFON meetings, she was asked to conduct a session with a woman who felt she was having abduction experiences but lacked the ability to remember anything in detail. Up until this point, Dolores'' hypnosis technique automatically propelled her subjects backwards into a past life. She had to modify her approach to keep her from going into a past life to concentrate on current events. As a result of the interest in this woman and Dolores herself, over 30 observers were allowed to attend the session, which was far from a conducive environment for an "experiment." Amazingly, both the diversion from her usual approach and the highly unusual environment the session was held in worked very effectively and produced some amazing results.

    Dolores learned that some people have had experiences with ET''s from early childhood and that often multi-generational relationships exist between Earth family lineages and ET races. The little greys have in fact been created as a type of biological robot by another race far more advanced than humanity. This explains why so many people report the little greys to be extremely cold, almost removed of any emotional expression. The races that created them are the much taller greys with very slim torsos, skinny limbs and large, black eyes. Throughout her adventure into ET and UFO exploration, Dolores came into contact with numerous ET entities that come through her subjects to deliver information and understanding. There truly is a wealth of life out there in the universe existing in all shapes, forms and sizes.

    Her book The Custodians ( 1998 ) signified a groundbreaking publication for Dolores after more than 20 years regressing clients with ET and UFO experiences. We learn that almost all so called abduction cases are actually mutual agreements made prior to incarnating for the purpose of helping one another. Just as we experience amnesia about who we are and where we are from prior to incarnating on Earth, so too do we experience amnesia regarding the contracts and agreements we made with others before coming here. The problem existing today is that the majority of humanity''s perspective on extra-terrestrials has been shaped and manipulated by mainstream media, religious belief systems and scientific dogmas. How few people are truly able to approach this area with an objective, unbiased stance. In recognizing this, it is understandable that so many people approach this subject with fear, dismissal or complete denial. The Custodians helps bridge the lack of understanding between:

    (a) Identifying that mysterious events and experiences are indeed happening to millions of people on every continent on the planet.
    (b) Having those events and experiences dismissed, denied and ridiculed by the scientific, governmental and religious institutions so many people depend on for answers.

    Other books which were published as a result of Dolores'' explorations into the fields of UFO activity and Extra-Terrestrials include Legacy From The Stars (1996), which explores the vastness of our individual beings and our off planet origins, and the Legend Of Starcrash (1994), which describes a life where a woman is regressed back to a time when a spaceship crashed in the Alaska/Canada region thousands of years ago. It is the story of the origin of the Indian races in America.

    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. #5

    Re: Alien abduction

    What a nice coincidence (or not?). Just checked on it 5 minutes ago. The new installment of Skeptico podcast, Nov 5th (today), interview 228 with researcher Mary Rodwell "on topic"...

    This collector of useless clutter.

  6. #6

    Re: Alien abduction

    I remember I saw this talk of her with videos in between (very interesting!) recently about "star humans"

    This collector of useless clutter.

  7. Re: Alien abduction

    Watched a TV Miniseries 'Taken' (Steven Spielberg) several years ago. I liked the series but always thought it was just pure sci-fi. The movie is very similar to what Dolores Cannon writes about multi-generational encounters with ETs. There's also elements of experimental interbreeding between humans and the ETs as mentioned in the CE article.

    Here's the thing: Dolores puts a more positive spin on the existence of and relationship with ETs. The CE article, while not really meant to induce fear (as claimed) but seek to 'educate' the public of something very real, it does put a more negative spin that some ET races (not all) are trying to 'walk among us' and eventually control humanity by means of deception and mental manipulation.

    Can't say either theory is the correct one. They might as well both be true. No different than what Robert Bruce talks about in terms of OBEs and what you might experience or encounter when you get out of body. While most experiences can't harm you, there are some neg entities who can do some real damage to you.

    So CE's view on ETs and alien abduction, is perhaps just a possibility (or fact for those who have experienced hostile abduction).

    Anyway, I wanted to comment on what GMAN12 wrote:

    Quote Originally Posted by GMAN12 View Post
    I believe the source created everything. I believe he exists in the outside of all Universes and I believe there are different planes for different beings. I believe there is only one source we will all return to one day.

    That was my understanding and worldview until I read the CE article -- which suggests that there are multiple 'collective consciousness' and some ET races collective consciousness is to 'take over' earth / humanity. So that's why I am wondering whether the source created all intelligent life forms in this universe or there are multiple universes (Multiverse?) each created by difference sources? This book 'History of God' talked a bit about Multiverses.

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    Re: Alien abduction

    It might be me, but how are you classifying God? "A" Being? (as in, an object, with a beginning and end?) or just Being? Or both? Or neither?
    I have never understood why the concept of God as Source and Immanence seems to conflict with ideas of multidimensionality for some.
    It's obvious that in the physical world we know (not to mention the nonphysical) there is a multitude of different beings- but we have no trouble thinking of ourselves as 'One'. Why does the presence of multiverses with their own rules and beings that may 'fit' their physics somehow preclude an encompassing Oneness which includes any and all possibilities?
    I'm just wondering.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. Re: Alien abduction

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    It might be me, but how are you classifying God? "A" Being? (as in, an object, with a beginning and end?) or just Being? Or both? Or neither?
    I have never understood why the concept of God as Source and Immanence seems to conflict with ideas of multidimensionality for some.
    It's obvious that in the physical world we know (not to mention the nonphysical) there is a multitude of different beings- but we have no trouble thinking of ourselves as 'One'. Why does the presence of multiverses with their own rules and beings that may 'fit' their physics somehow preclude an encompassing Oneness which includes any and all possibilities?
    I'm just wondering.

    Hmmm... I cannot disagree. Like I said, I've only come across the topic of UFO/ETs recently in a more serious light (and not just Hollywood sci/fi stuff). I guess most literature I've come across regarding metaphysics, world religions and philosophies still place humanity (of earth origin) at the center of the universe -- meaning the collective consciousness and evolution of humanity is the central theme.

    Maybe that's a distorted view of truth (Truth?) as I'm coming to realize that there are infinite number of life forms out there with varying degrees of intelligence, spiritual development, technological development -- both in this physical universe, other universes, and other dimensions.

    The CE article seems to suggest that different ET races have their collective 'oneness' with goals that are not in the best interest of humanity. So I just naturally assumed they are of a different origin/creation.

    Much to learn.

  10. #10
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    Re: Alien abduction

    Well, it is an article. I don't know the truth, but it was a belief. You ever watched matrix? Here is a spoiler to you. There was a man who had the code name as Neo. There was another man named Morpheus who believed that Neo was the one. Neo had gone to the all knowing oracle who knows everything. She said that he was not the one. Morpheus still believed that Neo was the one no matter what the oracle said. At the end of the third movie, the oracle sits with the person who created the matrix, the architect. The architect asked: "How did you know he was the one?" The oracle said: "I really didn't know he was the one, but I believed." Should really watch the trilogy movies, but the whole point is, belief and finally experience will help you find the truth.

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