Hi Robert,

My name is Justin. I have both the first and second editions of Astral Dynamics, MAP, and the first edition of Energy Work, so I am well-versed with your work. I'm very thankful for it, and I'm saving up to have a personal e-consultation with you so I can get a more solid game plan to my spiritual development. However, there's one thing pressing on my mind that can't wait.

I consider myself to be a positive person, however I will VERY occasionally have very nasty thoughts, either in word form or in my mind's eye. If it's a mind's eye thought, it will cause a quick but extreme tightness in my solar plexus center and/or my heart center. It scares me, and I know well-enough to stop it which I'm able to do. This negativity seems to manifest with me having certain control issues, and cause much anxiety. I will more often than not take this out on my wife, and I have honestly almost lost my marriage because of it. My Father has always told me that every family has specific types of demons that affect them that must be overcome, and I'm afraid that this may what I'm dealing with

How do I know whether or not this is the result of a neg attack, or simply a defect of character? Regardless, I want to address it. Thank you so much for all your books, I've studied a plethora of different works regarding spirituality since I was 14 and yours is by far the greatest!

- Much Love,