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Thread: Psychic Leech

  1. #1

    Psychic Leech

    Hope someone can help but very honestly, I am at my wits end with this.

    For years I have done a great deal of research on energy vampires, evil eye, and demonic/neg oppression. There is so much overlap with these topics that it is really hard to discern and decide what is actually happening. In addition, the situation is complicated and seems to have this web of interconnectedness and interconnected players. I do not know if it is one person or more than one.

    Trying to make a very long story short, I do know that there is one central player in this mess. I would best characterize this person as an energy leech which, in my mind, has a somewhat more pejorative connotation than the romanticized vampire.

    This person is dependent upon others not only for psychic energy, but also tangible real world support as well. It is draining at every level.

    From the perspective of an energy leech, there is an absolute pall or miasma that just pervades the the psychic and real world environment/atmosphere when this person is present. All joy, happiness, fun is sucked down an energy toilet. Over the years, others are aware too. Most sense it quickly and do not get trapped into his vortex and get out of Dodge before it is too late. Unfortunately, I have become the primary host (along with at least one other) and it is very very detrimental.

    I have tried shielding, cord cutting, crystals, and everything I could think of and most of what I have read to get him to get out of my physical and energy life and nothing has worked. In fact, it seems that sometimes there has been some retaliation and things actually get much worse. My last effort was to use crystals which may have had some minor impact, but still not success in the form that is required.

    One time, I came close but it did not work and now he seems much more impervious. In addition, I have strong suspicions that he gets psychic help from relatives to further protect him. I am only one person.

    I know the best and maybe only bet is to get away from him but this just is not possible. In addition and and I said above, he has some kind of help or assistance such that when he psychically senses that he is being cut off, he either puts obstacles or distractors up or attacks any avenues of escape or support.

    As an aside, this is primarily at the psychic level, but it has lately severely been impacting my health and the health of one other person who he has singled out as a threat.

    Briefly, I also tried anti-evil eye techniques as there is also an intermixed jealousy. I have looked at the possibility of demonic/neg oppression as well. I have considered how my own manifestation may have caused this and that is certainly plausible, but again, I have not been successful with changing my thoughts because he is constantly present and constantly an oppressive reminder and the more I try, the more psychic retaliation that happens which creates more distraction and the cycle continues, always saving him.

    So, bottom line is this psychic leech needs to go and so far nothing has worked.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Hi Mari,
    I might be wrong here, but you are all the time talking about outside of you, and my experience is long as you have inner issues until that there will all the time be outside coming so you can mirror your inner ...and as I have noticed...but when you have done what you can to cleanse your course there is as you say..people who do not wnat to let go off you and making mess all the time around you...what affects your life....and it is not easy to find the right sourse I do not know...but this is my 2 cent´s.
    Hope you will soon get your life in peace.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Thank you, IA56.

    I think that psychic leeches do attach when there is a vulnerability. It is much like an opportunistic virus or bacterial infection. They make their way in when your immune system is down. The problem is that once there, they make one weaker and weaker and close off more and more options for escape. Also, as I said above, the constant presence creates a cycle that gives a stronger foothold.

    I think the issue is that once your inner issues are cleared up, you can see it for what it is but by that time it is too late.

    I guess part of my pessimism stems from having spent a great deal of time trying to cleanse and get things back on track only to have been constantly thwarted. I have tried so many different techniques to resolve this and nothing has worked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Quote Originally Posted by Mari View Post
    Thank you, IA56.

    I think that psychic leeches do attach when there is a vulnerability. It is much like an opportunistic virus or bacterial infection. They make their way in when your immune system is down. The problem is that once there, they make one weaker and weaker and close off more and more options for escape. Also, as I said above, the constant presence creates a cycle that gives a stronger foothold.

    I think the issue is that once your inner issues are cleared up, you can see it for what it is but by that time it is too late.

    I guess part of my pessimism stems from having spent a great deal of time trying to cleanse and get things back on track only to have been constantly thwarted. I have tried so many different techniques to resolve this and nothing has worked.
    Dear Mari,
    It is never too late...but it comes down to you understand what kind of faith I am talking about trust that your higher self/God is there to help you if you let it happen...say....I surrender....and drop down your arms and KNOW you will be healed...and you will.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #5

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Dear Mari,
    It is never too late...but it comes down to you understand what kind of faith I am talking about trust that your higher self/God is there to help you if you let it happen...say....I surrender....and drop down your arms and KNOW you will be healed...and you will.

    Thank you IA56

    Yes, I understand. There was a time period when it seemed help was there but then it seemed to get replaced by the polar opposite.

    You are very kind.

  6. #6
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    Re: Psychic Leech

    Hi Mari.
    Have you tried the blue room meditation? I have found it to be very helpful to help dislodge myself psychically from people like that, and surprising real-world physical things have happened.
    What I found is that if I approached the meditation in the spirit of forgiveness and 'letting go', instead of 'making them go' to their highest good, the circumstances have changed to everyone's betterment.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Quote Originally Posted by Mari View Post
    Thank you IA56

    Yes, I understand. There was a time period when it seemed help was there but then it seemed to get replaced by the polar opposite.

    You are very kind.
    Yes Mari, that is like that, it is also deeper test of do not loose your faith, what ever develped we become as refined and harder the test´s keep your spirit up....and trust that all is as it should be...and will be good.

    I am not able to be so often here just saying ...maybe no one cares...but I feel I want to say...I am occupied with other things now...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #8

    Re: Psychic Leech

    No, I have never heard of that but I will try it. At least it is different than the strategies that I have tried that have not worked. Thanks!


  9. #9

    Re: Psychic Leech

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Yes Mari, that is like that, it is also deeper test of do not loose your faith, what ever develped we become as refined and harder the test´s keep your spirit up....and trust that all is as it should be...and will be good.

    I am not able to be so often here just saying ...maybe no one cares...but I feel I want to say...I am occupied with other things now...

    Thank you again so much.


  10. #10
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    Re: Psychic Leech

    I'm going to suggest cutting ties and also -- importantly -- practicing psychic shielding.

    There are many ways to cut ties. I second CFT's sentiment about approaching with forgiveness rather than rejection or anger or similar. My experience is that this is more effective, and more healing for you (remember: forgiveness is for YOU, not them ).
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

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