
I've been doing energy work for awhile now (a few months), starting with the development of the limbs, then adding the spine, and the secondary/tertiary centers in the head; I always avoided the mid-line, as it's quite a ride for me to directly go there; I've found that, generally, working on the spine is usually more than enought to stimulate the front mid-line.

In the past weeks I've been noticing channels and variuos energy structures, expecially in the legs; now, considering that I'm not really keen to touch the mid-line, I've been doing quite a lot of energy work on the limbs. It seems like there is no obvious end to that job. It seems like I can spend o lot of time there, and things always get more fluid, stuctures and channel clearer, and so on.

So, one question is: is there any problem of any sort in focusing a lot on limbs development?
Another one is: I spend a lot of time working with the arms and legs, and not so much time on feet and hands, because the development of the structures in legs and arms feels more compelling somehow. Again, are there relevant practical problems with that?

To be even more clear, I'm asking about proportions; is there some problem in spending, like 70%on the time on the legs and 30% on the feet? Is there some problem in spending, like 50% on the limbs, 25% on the spine, 25% on the head?

Also, you mention working with centers, but it seems to me to be valuable also to work to make the energy structures clearer (by energy structures I mean specific points in the body directly connected with other relatively close points in the body), and now that they begin tobecome apparent I'm very much attracted toward them, and I'm neglecting a bit tertiary and secondary centers.

So, summary of the questions: can I just decide to spend time developing what feels compelling at the moment, or are there some optimal proportions that need to be rispected in order to optimize the results?

Thanks for your work, btw
