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Thread: The importance of balance and staying grounded

  1. Smile The importance of balance and staying grounded

    Hello everyone. I wanted to make this topic really quick because it's something I have struggled with for the longest time. I may have just figured out all of this tonight as well so it's a lot to take in. It caused many years of struggle for me.

    I am now a reiki master and I have always practiced spirituality. Everyday I meditate, and every night I attempt to astral project. I do reiki healing on myself daily as well as many exercises Robert Bruce lists in his eBook Evolution to help open up my psychic abilities.

    The problem here was I was doing no sort of grounding at all. For about a year. I would never go outside because of some anxiety issues I have been battling. I would get out every now and then don't get me wrong. But, it was usually to go to a store or something along those lines.

    For the past year I have experienced derealization, depersonalization, vertigo, anxiety, and a really scary symptom where I would feel I was not here and everything is somehow "different"

    I have seen many doctors and I am super healthy so this always made me wonder what the heck could have been going on.

    I just finished doing reiki on myself and I felt great. about two minutes after I started feeling extremely cloudy and the derealization started kicking in. I use my pendulum to see which of my chakras are open as well as how much they were open. My crown and third eye chakras were so open my pendulum was swinging incredibly hard. It was so hard that it was spinning out to about the length of a tire. I finally thought okay, I am so open up here I need to ground myself. After all I wasn't really "here"

    So I took a walk to the park and sat in this nature like area. If you go off a bit it gets to be nothing but trees and dirt and very large rocks. I sat down and put my hand on the ground and focused on my breathing. I held rocks and grounded myself the best I could. Within five minutes I was better and had no symptoms. In the past those symptoms would stay with me until I got so worked up I think my chakras would close on me again from stress.

    I learned how important it is to keep balance. I keep my chakras open but right after I am done with reiki I make sure I go and ground myself. Otherwise it just feels like I am floating and not here anymore.

    I am learning to be a master at this one needs to be able to be "here" as well.

    have any of you experienced this before? I seriously thought something was wrong with me. It just turns out my chakras were so open that I was off in literally another world it seemed. Right when I realized I had figured out my problem I checked my phone and saw 5:55. My angles and spirit guides really like to communicate with me that way. I nearly broke down because I have been battling this for so long wondering why I never felt right.

    It's all about balance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: The importance of balance and staying grounded

    Yes, balance is crusial.
    I was as you decribe also for many years ago, before I undestood how to ground my self...most I do usual things like cleaning,
    washing disches and down to earth things

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: The importance of balance and staying grounded

    Being "in the world, but not of the world" is tricky business. You do need to be present in your material reality if you're going to interact with it effectively, but at the same time, if you get too much into it, it can be very distracting, almost drugging, pulling you into the dramas and interactions and stealing all your attention. But, of course, if you're "blissed out" and gazing in a kind of detached wonderment at the unreality of reality, well, you're not really interacting with your reality and things tend to get weird and dreamlike (and the laundry goes unwashed and the garden untended; that's my experience anyway).

    So, yes, balance is absolutely necessary. Finding it is one thing, then maintaining it is another. It can be done, but it's always a bit of a balance beam act, at least for me. Thankfully, like anything else, the more I maintain it, or at least put the effort into maintaining it, the easier it becomes.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #4

    Re: The importance of balance and staying grounded

    I'm glad you found what works for you.

    As to grounding, its very good for excess or unstable energy situations (like what you had). Being centered fixes energy imbalances (you no longer need to ground) and provides automatic balance.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

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