Hi again Robert, thanks for all the additional explanations and feedback. If you write this ebook, I'll definitely read it. After reading your last post where you responded to my and other people's questions, I am planning on starting my next fast on Sunday and shooting for 5 days. Congratulations on your 2 long fasts. You are awesome.

This next paragraph is just food for thought. Not trying to argue against anyone's opinions, just thinking out loud... Out of everything you say, the only thing I have a little trouble understanding is how our fasting mechanisms could have evolved over millions of years in response to our ancestors not having food during winter months: 1) Since the beginning of recorded/archaeological human history, we see peoples all over the world storing foodstuffs for non-growing seasons and also keeping animals (or hunting/fishing/trapping effectively) that could be eaten during non-productive months. This was achievable, and was done, throughout the world even before there was any modern technology or civilization. So, why would humans have gone without this know-how for millions of years, if their bronze age descendants 6,000+ years ago could figure these things out? 2) From what you say about fasting vs. starvation and how to know when to end the fast, it sounds like the doable, healthy limit is somewhere around the 30-40 day range. But it seems to me that necessity-based fasting of true hunter-gatherers in harsh climates who really didn't have any food sources during the winter months, by definition would last several (up to 7) months. Could people survive this? 3) If the evolution of the fasting mechanisms was necessary for survival during winter periods with no food sources, how did the intermediate generations survive while these mechanisms were still evolving? And on the other hand, if these mechanisms evolved and got better over time, why the sudden need, after millions of years, to innovate ways of storing food or obtaining it during winter as we see in even the earliest recorded human history? Again, these doubts are just food for thought. It would be really interesting to consult the akashic records on this.