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Thread: Fasting Advice - water is key

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Hi Robert Bruce,
    Do you know if it is dangerous to fast when eating med´s as I do...I have had removed the thyrodea gland and has to take that hormone in tab....and also high blood preasure....I have also tumors in liver and it is why I´d like to fast to get them away....I do not dare to ask my doctor for advice or permission, I´d like to hear what you say...and if I feel it is okay, I will do a fast maybe not as many day´s as you but try how I feel in my body, and if it feel´s right then I can do a longer fast....I have also slipped disc´s and injuries down to the nervroot and it would be wonderful if these injuries would heal...and something in my oesofagus they do not know yet what it is...I eat antihistamine and they changed also blood preassure med´s to see if the couff will get better.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #12

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    To be clear....

    you 'cannot' fast on water alone if you are taking any meds that you cannot stop.

    This would be very dangerous and you might get very sick or even die.

    Juice fasting is a worable alternative in this case (taking nothing but juice and water - mainly vegetables and not too much fruit juice).


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Okay I hear you

    Thank you telling about this....."My ego separated into something like a separate possessing entity. It was very powerful and complex, but also gullible. I found I could wear it down by lying to it".
    I have noticed this every time I will do some Changes in my Life, it is very strong force to keep you in your old thank you for saying this out loud, I am sure many battles will be less intimitating when knowing how our own mind tries to seduse us to keep us in old patterns.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Hi again Robert, thanks for all the additional explanations and feedback. If you write this ebook, I'll definitely read it. After reading your last post where you responded to my and other people's questions, I am planning on starting my next fast on Sunday and shooting for 5 days. Congratulations on your 2 long fasts. You are awesome.

    This next paragraph is just food for thought. Not trying to argue against anyone's opinions, just thinking out loud... Out of everything you say, the only thing I have a little trouble understanding is how our fasting mechanisms could have evolved over millions of years in response to our ancestors not having food during winter months: 1) Since the beginning of recorded/archaeological human history, we see peoples all over the world storing foodstuffs for non-growing seasons and also keeping animals (or hunting/fishing/trapping effectively) that could be eaten during non-productive months. This was achievable, and was done, throughout the world even before there was any modern technology or civilization. So, why would humans have gone without this know-how for millions of years, if their bronze age descendants 6,000+ years ago could figure these things out? 2) From what you say about fasting vs. starvation and how to know when to end the fast, it sounds like the doable, healthy limit is somewhere around the 30-40 day range. But it seems to me that necessity-based fasting of true hunter-gatherers in harsh climates who really didn't have any food sources during the winter months, by definition would last several (up to 7) months. Could people survive this? 3) If the evolution of the fasting mechanisms was necessary for survival during winter periods with no food sources, how did the intermediate generations survive while these mechanisms were still evolving? And on the other hand, if these mechanisms evolved and got better over time, why the sudden need, after millions of years, to innovate ways of storing food or obtaining it during winter as we see in even the earliest recorded human history? Again, these doubts are just food for thought. It would be really interesting to consult the akashic records on this.

  5. #15

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    I think these mechanisms evolved over hundreds of millions or years, or longer.

    Humans are very clever, and we do of course store what we can. But things happen, like extra long winters, droughts, taxes and theft, and rodents, and food spoiling. So I think long ago life was pretty dicey. Most animals have some way of surviving without food for some time.

    I have heard of some people going for over a year without eating. Mind you, these people were very large, and under medical supervision. Fat is the perfect fuel for the body...which is why the body stores and values fat.

    In a long famine, those people with the best metabolisms and extra fat tend to live, and others would die. This is natural selection.

    And the severity of food shortages seasonal would depend on the local climate. But way back in time, before humankind first climbed down out of the trees and turned on the TV, these mechanisms must have developed in us, because they exist.

    peace, robert

    Quote Originally Posted by Rimbecano View Post
    Hi again Robert, thanks for all the additional explanations and feedback. If you write this ebook, I'll definitely read it. After reading your last post where you responded to my and other people's questions, I am planning on starting my next fast on Sunday and shooting for 5 days. Congratulations on your 2 long fasts. You are awesome.

    This next paragraph is just food for thought. Not trying to argue against anyone's opinions, just thinking out loud... Out of everything you say, the only thing I have a little trouble understanding is how our fasting mechanisms could have evolved over millions of years in response to our ancestors not having food during winter months: 1) Since the beginning of recorded/archaeological human history, we see peoples all over the world storing foodstuffs for non-growing seasons and also keeping animals (or hunting/fishing/trapping effectively) that could be eaten during non-productive months. This was achievable, and was done, throughout the world even before there was any modern technology or civilization. So, why would humans have gone without this know-how for millions of years, if their bronze age descendants 6,000+ years ago could figure these things out? 2) From what you say about fasting vs. starvation and how to know when to end the fast, it sounds like the doable, healthy limit is somewhere around the 30-40 day range. But it seems to me that necessity-based fasting of true hunter-gatherers in harsh climates who really didn't have any food sources during the winter months, by definition would last several (up to 7) months. Could people survive this? 3) If the evolution of the fasting mechanisms was necessary for survival during winter periods with no food sources, how did the intermediate generations survive while these mechanisms were still evolving? And on the other hand, if these mechanisms evolved and got better over time, why the sudden need, after millions of years, to innovate ways of storing food or obtaining it during winter as we see in even the earliest recorded human history? Again, these doubts are just food for thought. It would be really interesting to consult the akashic records on this.

  6. Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Good points, all.


  7. #17

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Interesting article about burning deep fats:

    My best regards...

  8. #18

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    We must look at evolution outside just the human race, for the development of mechanisms for fasting. Humans evolved from many species, and regardless of how modern humans have farmed and stored food for winter over many thousands of years, we were once animals living off the land and during Winter there were periods of time where there was little to no food.

    This is a very clever mechanism, if you look at it. During long fasting, the body repairs itself and gets ready for Springtime activities.

    My opinions here are based on logic and personal experience, which may differ somewhat from the official biological narrative.


  9. #19

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    Hello Robert,

    Thanks for all the info on fasting. What is the timing of the enemas during the fast and what solution do you use? - salt water? What is the volume of the solution? - 2 or 4 liters?

    Would taking electrolyte water ( filtered water with calcium, sodium, potassium etc..) be a problem. I read on the above comments you advise against taking vitamins? Why? I thought B and C vitamins were not fat soluble so they were not stored in body fat. The body also need some B vitamins to extract energy from fat.
    Jonathan H

    I want, once and for all, *not* to know many things. Wisdom sets limits to knowledge too.

    Friedrich Nietzsche from Twilight of the Idols

  10. #20

    Re: Fasting Advice - water is key

    How often you have an enema, and what quantity you use, is entirely up to you.

    I use plain filtered (Reverse Osmosis) water at room temp.

    Daily, while fasting, is best. This way, the body does not need to deal with decomposing waste and can focus all its energy on self healing and self repair.

    Giving yourself an enema is something one needs to learn. You'll find videos and guides on the internet.

    One issue is getting a large enough water bag for a 4 litre (two quart) enema. This solves the problem of how to refill the water bag so you can get the amount desired. Most enema bags I've seen only hold 1 liter or less.

    It is easy, however, to make one yourself that will hold the necessary amount. Of hunt online for one.

    Use 2 to 4 liters, depending on body size and experience.

    When you first start, the bowels will have many folds. These will come out as the bowels are pushed back to their proper shape and size.

    This is why you need a tap on the hose you are using, so you can turn the flow of water on and off. When things get 'tight' turn off water and wait and relax. This gives the bowels time to adjust. Then, when you feel okay, turn water back on. Repeat till you cannot hold any more, which for the average adult is 4 liters (4 quarts).

    Search on youtube for video instructions from people experienced with this.

    It is not a good idea to take any pills at all. The stomach needs to be active in order to digest a pill. During a water fast, it shuts down. So taking anything like a pill or capsule can cause problems. And your body does not need anything but water.

    Electrolyte water can be taken 'as needed' but only if your electrolyte is out of balance. If this happens, you will start to feel ill, dizzy, nausea, etc. When this happens to me, I drink one or two 'pints' of water and soon feel well again. But some people will take electrolyte water, or something like lemon water, or coconut water. But this is not something you would take every day, only in emergencies.

    Water is key for successful easy fasting. Drink a 'lot' of water. And if you feel unwell, drink more and you'll soon feel fine.

    Taking a regular enema also helps you feel better during a fast, as this reduces toxins your body has to deal with.

    Peace, robert

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