Had my first experience in January and from then I have recorded a long list of experiences in detail. I have a problem. Although it feels like I can get out of body almost anytime in the morning If i really focus, It usually feels very dream like(bad hearing, visuals on and off, lost in the darkness, movement very fluid). The transitions out of body are less dreamlike as I can really feel my energy arms/legs and If i get stuck at a certain point, it feels quite painful to force myself away.

Only one time I asked in a dream to see the "Astral Grid/Plane". Rocketed straight up and when it went into blackness, I started looking for visuals. As i was starting to see some colour I was grabbed by two hands. A firm grip and I was helpless in the grip. whoever it was started whispering to me. Said I or they were from the American prison Alcatraz. We started trying to speak at the same time and then both went quiet to give the other a chance to speak. By this time I realised I was trying to use my 'real' vocal cords and began to make weird throat noises because Im sure I was still in sleep paralysis. The last thing was whispered to me is "whats wrong?".

I constantly ask to meet a spirit guide, my higher self and other positive beings just to help me and guide me a little, but I have 99% come up disappointed. In a dream I asked for a spirit guide and an old man came out from the sidewalk. Told me he was my guide, but he wouldn't speak to me until I read the Qur'an or Koran lol.
Although I did talk to my subconscious which was really cool. I think I will have to ask for that again, because its the only command that appeared to have worked for me.

Many frustrations later I will continue to experiment because every now and then I do have some very interesting experiences. For me this does take a lot of effort and time. Sometimes I am in bed for 12 hours and usually only get a good session If i call in sick to work!

Thanks for listening.