So I've been going back through the Gospels and am floored at just how True the words of Jesus were, but how horrifically interpreted most are. I realize this may cause flares and whatnot, but roll with me for a bit...

"Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." ~ Luke 9:58.

Think we've got a homeless Christ thing going? Switch it. We've go all Creation in His mind. It's the One mind that needs no rest. It contains the foxes and dens and birds.

Matthew 10:34: "
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Of course He did. Love of dream characters keeps dreamers asleep, in bondage. This is why one must be willing to leave everyone and everything behind. No appearances have actual existence, so grasping them is prolonging a dream.

Then there's all that separation from god resulting in duality, Good and Evil. Remove separation and you're only got what you started with. Do the math. Only God knows the thoughts of man, and as they say, "God alone is real"

"I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not 'I', but Christ lives in me."

Where did the sinner go?

And call me a loony, but that crown of thorns, placed on the crown chakra, sometimes looks like a thousand petaled lotus to me and I'm betting the fruit of the Garden was a human mind.

Then again, it's all part of the play, so I'm confident this is the oldest news on the block and where the heck have I been all this time!
