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Thread: COPY: "we are all one" question

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    butterfly you sound just like me.. heh. i was always floating out of body too at about 7. sleep paralysis out the wazoo... it was normal for me.

    but to clarify what experiences led you to this realization that we have been talking about? can you explain to me more what you mean by becoming your partner? did you shift consciousness and experienced things from his (your)...other? point of view?

    I am not sure I am explaining this right though. After re reading all of this. Because I can understand what a lot of you are saying I think it's just in different ways... I explain it way different, use different words and ways of explaining it.

    I don't know... You would think if people understand that all of this is a book, only an experience, and they understood consciousness so to the point that they knew they are everything and all of this is a big giant illusion... your family doesn't exist because they are just characters for this experience etc, you would have the power to overcome any form of health problems... instant manifestation, and so many other things. I have seen people who say this and yet they suffer from health issues and all this horrible crap. Headaches, and all of this shouldn't exist if someone is that awake and aware that this place is all (what we have been talking about) If you realize you are the only thing that exists you should be able to experience bliss non stop. I hope this makes sense... Yet these people still suffer from lots of stress. Why? What is there to stress? For experience? I can't seem to wrap that around my head. Why would source want to experience pain. (Even though to source it doesn't know pain) then this just seems like a big a** waste of time honestly. I think I am pretty knowledge in this stuff.. been doing it since i was 7. but I know i still get stressed too!

    I am not too great at explaining things sometimes. It's late... rest is needed haha

    You got source... all that is. you. Going okay... I am going to experience from this point of view... (whoooooosh) and you live an absolute HORRIBLE life and end up killing all of your parents... whatever... going on a freaking rampage... you name it. Or you are just a baby... you are born and then your mother throws you in a microwave. I can't see source going YUP! lets experience this right here... sarcasm.

    I can see source wanting to be the point of view of anything it wants to. But why in the hell would there be negs? What is the point? Also...

    I think this place... if you are correct! I think earth is a mistake... Consciousness made a mistake. This place didn't turn out like it supposed to. Kind of thing... yeah I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist but From MY experiences we are being played. Like a fiddle. For example the whole "love" thing. That word is LOADED. Love is a vibration... but we use that word with everything. "I love this cake" "I love this car" "I love this weather" I think we have been programmed to become confused with the word love. Many religions teach love. Yet many religions also chopped off peoples heads and burned them at the stake for coming up with new ideas and concepts. and if you showed people how psychic stuff works etc you were tortured to death. That's a whole other story in itself though. Again that's my experience so that's all i can go from! I am just saying. Something is not right.
    Hi again S.
    Consiousness does not make and I do!!
    The God or consiousness has nothing to do with this and I have come here because we are on our road back to the right home so to speak...and the paradox I am still sick...but my healing has I do understand more...If I compare myself to 1980-81 when I really did get the information about us not being a body...and it was 34 years ago...I did not beleive it fully then...I was not able to comprahand it....but today I can...but it is not easy to try to communicate it to you for your understanding...
    It is not real in that way that this world is build more with fear than love....fear and love are two different to speak..our real home is love...but we have co-created this world with other who have difficulty to feel or think of being worthy of unconditional love...and therefore our way is not yet perfect ...but we are learning ...we are here to learn again how to become worthy of unconditional love...and stop thinking destruction and death....the real world and love...but death is a new chance to try again to understand ...over and over again...because consiousness did create Atonament after the separation...and still we have not get it totally ...because we fear us self´s and God....

    You are right about us using the word love total wrong, but I think we want to fool us and others and hide that we do hate that we do not we use words we know are good so to speak...and fool with words.....but everyone has own responsibility to stop using others for not doing own part of the work....and slacking he does not do it..why should I do...we have to start to care more obout us self´s...we can not do any difference but in our own life...and it should be enough to want the best ...then you can give the best to others too...and then the real love will grow...and to care and take care of you is the first step towards real love.

    It will soon sink in...I am sure it will not take you 34 years to comprahend it as it took for me

    It is still back and forth...but I am more stabil today than ever

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    I haven't read all the replies, but to reply to the original post:

    We are all one but you can either be conscious of this or unconscious. In unconciousness people, they experience being seperate from God (and other people/beings). If you're separate from Source then you are in darkness and act accordingly and that's when you get people committing horrible crimes.

    Contrast this to someone who is conscious, they enjoy a vast awareness and treat others as they would treat themselves.

    You can also look at it as whether someone is in line with Truth or not. It's true that we are all one, if you are aware of this, accept it and live by it then you will be in harmony with light. If you do not accept the truth then you are in darkness. Some say that ultimately negativity doesn't exist because it's lies (not truth)... when you are with God all negativity ceases to exist. For some reason though, in this realm, we have this illusion where truth and non-truth both seem real.

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