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Thread: COPY: "we are all one" question

  1. #21
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Hi again Sahararaawaken,

    I think I know where you are now, the feeling you have I was in 1981 after the bad beating up of me and my son happened...I was total destroyed and my son too....and Sweden did celebrate the Song Contest what was happeing, and no-one did know I was destroyed, and they who did know did not the question arises in me...what horrible has happened to you that has given you the hars reality check?? and I remember how I felt when this happened to me...I was also thinking...what is the point...and I was sure I will never feel any joy ever....and just in that period of time I was sure there was no point going on living when so little mattered....but I had my son to take care of and was not able to give in so to speak....and wow...I am happy that all has changed and withened and deepened and now I see and specially after the dividerline experience I see the big picture...and it is magnific and so wonderful to know...that from the perspective of the ONE and the real reality...even I...whom seam to be worthless in so manys eyes ...I am presious from the perspective of the existence...I did survive and get to both see and feel the deep meaning of is awesom!!

    I send all love and I are perfect and loved every bit and piece in you...and you are presious.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #22
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    @John Sorensen:
    I can't point you at any part of the thread, because it describes the thought process of someone who is going through an awakening. You either identify with it or not, and that's ok too- it is what it is.
    As for enlightening, it is a misused word that makes people's ego twinkle; it sounds 'becoming wise' or some nonsense like that, but it only means they're realizing something they knew all along- and like being 'shone on', it's not something they do, but rather something that happens to them. Too bad it sounds like something you want.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #23
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    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    We can imagine that we are all statues made of clay. Where is clay taken form? The Earth. So even if we are statues walking around we are still made of clay so we are part of the Earth no matter where we go. So we are all part of The One (Earth in this case). So there, at a very basic level that's all there is to it. We are all part of The One , because we are all originally for the Earth so we are all the same and technically we are all ONE. But we are also still statues that can walk freely. So don't worry about how lame everything seems. You will get over it. And it does not really have to matter. Also give all of the statues a cellphone with internet access and there. Those are all the people that have out of body experiences and what not. Flying around peeking into women's changing rooms or whatever you do when in spirit form.

    Another way of putting it.
    Lets imagine we are all drops of water on a rainy day. When you are falling from the sky as rain that is You and the other rain drops are just other raindrops . That's it. That's you and you are unique (we'll as unique as a raindrop from another raindrop that is) . When you fall to the ocean then you are all ONE. Then comes the sun and up you go....and then you are falling as rain again. And you are a single raindrop again with noting to do with the other raindrops. But the raindrop is part of the ocean...So you are all still part of ONE. Oh yeah and then give cellphones to the raindrops and there you have all those perverts again.

    See see it's not so complicated.....I guess.

    PS. Sorry I called some people perverts, I'm just really happy today.

  4. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    IA- thank you for the kind words buddy.

    Here is my problem with all of this mumbo. First of all... I have astral projected over 200 times and raised my kundalini and I have never seen this once what CFT and butterfly is implying. Even though that means nothing. I have the same view on enlightenment. That word is way too loaded for me. I don't have the answers I just have my experiences. Thank you both and everyone else for replying here. It really is mind boggling huh? Butterfly I am sorry about my phone there... It was struggling! lol

    Here's the deal... This place is not my cup of tea. Earth. I don't like it. I have problems here. This place is a big POS. I am sorry if that was harsh but I have been places that blow this place out of the water. Love the nature here... but the other part is not for me. If "nothing exists" and it gets as deep as you explained it CFT, and nothing really matters.... what's the problem with blowing my head off to stop this "nothingness thats happening and doesn't even matter" no evolution... nothing. Why sit here on earth and watch people kill themselves, watch the society collapse, deal with the fluoride (that doesn't even exist in the first place) and all the other crappy things this place has? Wouldn't be easier to just go oh okay... this place sucks... (This "book" sucks) I am done reading now... and I am going to go kill myself now. But then you get people saying noooo dont do that! Why? If everything doesn't exist and this is all me what is the problem?

    Butterfly you mention "thats the game" well i got to tell you. That's the stupidest game I have ever played.

    I read Roberts ebook on evolution and it helped me out a lot. It makes more sense to me I think. I can click with it more. I am going to go off of that for now and wait for his reply. I know even Robert doesn't know with 100% certainty but it will be interesting to hear his input.

    PS... I am not dissing anybodies opinions. This is good and thank you all for the replies. I skimmed the "not for sissies" thread and that is just not for me. I can't relate to any of it and my intuition says it's loaded with material that doesn't serve me. So I clicked out of it.

  5. #25
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Hi again Sahasraawaken.
    You say you raised kundalini, but canĀ“t it have something to do with that you feel this upset as you do??
    Yes, it will be very interesting hear what RB will reply to you
    Maybe you should do the chakra screaming what was decribed here before, I do not remember who it was, but that might give you some release of your frustration.
    I would tell you a funny story but I am so crappy teller but a good laugh would be good for you

    Okay, stay cool

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #26
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    If "nothing exists" and it gets as deep as you explained it CFT, and nothing really matters....
    Whoa Nelly! This reminds me of Nietzcheians who say nothing matters and God is dead- that is not what I said. I said 'it's not real' and 'it's not really reality from the point of view of eternity. It is not the same thing, and I want to make clear what I'm trying to say- to you, Sara, it's happening- but from the point of view of your 'eternal' you, the you that had no beginning and has no end it is not reality, it is essentially a mental exercise. This doesn't mean there is no evolution, and it doesn't mean it's not happening to you. It just means it's only happening to your physical point of view. This right now may seem like the same thing but it is not, and while you continue to be disappointed (or whatever, enchanted works for this too) in physical reality, it will continue to feel like this is what reality is. I'm not trying to convince you of this view, I'm just clearing up what I said, because eventually it'll come back to bite me when I tell someone else something like "real and actual are not the same" or "just because it's happening doesn't make it not real" or some other thing- I know what I mean when I say it but I realize not everyone else does. Which is kind of funny, really.

    what's the problem with blowing my head off to stop this "nothingness thats happening and doesn't even matter"
    Well, since your Higher Self decided to come here at this point in time and have this (probably annoying) conversation I have to say that it would be not to your best interest. I know that it sounds fatalistic but it's what I think. And deep down you know it too.

    no evolution... nothing. Why sit here on earth and watch people kill themselves, watch the society collapse, deal with the fluoride (that doesn't even exist in the first place) and all the other crappy things this place has?
    Let me put it another way- there is evolution in the physical and psychological sense, this is and has been observed to happen- but the soul, the most essential ('eternal', I keep using the word instead of immortal, which is the one most religions use, and I do for a reason) you, eternal doesn't evolve, it already is. Now the trick is, to match the physical (if you decide to) the eternal, and that is the other side of the coin you haven't gotten to.
    I know I should keep this to myself, but I for some reason am driven to participate in this thread, not sure why, I usually don't.
    Maybe I should stop and walk away.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Whoa Nelly! This reminds me of Nietzcheians who say nothing matters and God is dead- that is not what I said. I said 'it's not real' and 'it's not really reality from the point of view of eternity. It is not the same thing, and I want to make clear what I'm trying to say- to you, Sara, it's happening- but from the point of view of your 'eternal' you, the you that had no beginning and has no end it is not reality, it is essentially a mental exercise. This doesn't mean there is no evolution, and it doesn't mean it's not happening to you. It just means it's only happening to your physical point of view. This right now may seem like the same thing but it is not, and while you continue to be disappointed (or whatever, enchanted works for this too) in physical reality, it will continue to feel like this is what reality is. I'm not trying to convince you of this view, I'm just clearing up what I said, because eventually it'll come back to bite me when I tell someone else something like "real and actual are not the same" or "just because it's happening doesn't make it not real" or some other thing- I know what I mean when I say it but I realize not everyone else does. Which is kind of funny, really.

    Well, since your Higher Self decided to come here at this point in time and have this (probably annoying) conversation I have to say that it would be not to your best interest. I know that it sounds fatalistic but it's what I think. And deep down you know it too.

    Let me put it another way- there is evolution in the physical and psychological sense, this is and has been observed to happen- but the soul, the most essential ('eternal', I keep using the word instead of immortal, which is the one most religions use, and I do for a reason) you, eternal doesn't evolve, it already is. Now the trick is, to match the physical (if you decide to) the eternal, and that is the other side of the coin you haven't gotten to.
    I know I should keep this to myself, but I for some reason am driven to participate in this thread, not sure why, I usually don't.
    Maybe I should stop and walk away.
    Ah yeah CFT I can't get that deep it's not that I can't comprehend it (although it does hurt my head) that's too complex for me.

  8. #28
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    This place is not my cup of tea. Earth. I don't like it. I have problems here. This place is a big POS. I am sorry if that was harsh but I have been places that blow this place out of the water. Love the nature here... but the other part is not for me.
    I know exactly, EXACTLY what you're talking about. I've never been a fan of being here, either, frankly. I won't go into all of it, but I had a wretchedly unhappy childhood which primed me to have a difficult, painful, and unhappy adulthood, and the world pretty much always sucked as far as I was concerned. I know exactly what you mean.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    If "nothing exists" and it gets as deep as you explained it CFT, and nothing really matters....
    The notion that nothing matters is actually a kind of freedom, once fully experienced and realised. You can be and do what you choose, not just what you believe you must be, or believe is the right thing to be, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    Why sit here on earth and watch people kill themselves, watch the society collapse, deal with the fluoride (that doesn't even exist in the first place) and all the other crappy things this place has? Wouldn't be easier to just go oh okay... this place sucks... (This "book" sucks) I am done reading now... and I am going to go kill myself now. But then you get people saying noooo dont do that! Why? If everything doesn't exist and this is all me what is the problem?
    Well.... yes. I went through that. For a long, long time. Eventually I got to where I understood that "meaning" is all arbitrary. We create it. We give meaning to things. We look at the zeroes and ones and we see patterns and stories and evil and good and right and wrong and on and on and on.

    I feel for you in this struggle. Existential angst can be excruciatingly painful. It can look like (and feel like) depression, and that always sucks (spent a lot of my life in clinical depression, just for the record, so I know).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    Butterfly you mention "thats the game" well i got to tell you. That's the stupidest game I have ever played.
    It's not your game. There's that I-me-mine again. You're not the player. You're the game character. Well... you ARE the player. But the I-me-mine part (which is the part having a hard time with this) is the character, and it's not happy with that thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    I am not dissing anybodies opinions.
    It's not my opinion. It's my direct experience of reality. Slightly different concept. But it's okay if you think it's mumbo jumbo. As I said, it really is something that must be experienced to be understood, and the adjustment to the different perspective is not (usually) immediate.

    As Jed McKenna says, there is nothing people hate more than having their reality messed with. And the question you're asking are definitely messing with your reality.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  9. #29
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    Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    Quote Originally Posted by Sahasraraawaken View Post
    Ah yeah CFT I can't get that deep it's not that I can't comprehend it (although it does hurt my head) that's too complex for me.
    That is understandable that it is too complex for you, I really do understand....I did have all comfused during the beating, I did get to know at that time that I am not my body and that I shouldnĀ“t fear the abuser, and I did get strength to get him out of my life because I trusted the information I got...but it did really comfuse me and as you can see this happening was like 34 years ago and I am still degisting what I did experience ...both the eternal information and this physical you also said, it is hard to partisipate here when seeing people behave so bad towards each others and killing and deceiving and what not...
    It will take long time for you to accept what is....but it will help to know that you are not your body and in some way this does not exist, it will exist as long as time exists....I can only say to you will take time to accept what is...but when you get deeper understanding what the eternity is...than it all will make have faith and be patience....all will be reveled to you....keep up the good work.

    CFT off course you have to share your knowing for the greater good, thank you !!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. Re: COPY: "we are all one" question

    You know IA, butterfly, and CFT I can somewhat get where you come from... On some level. I think the problem is I just have a different spin on it! And no butterfly... I truly believe you experienced it etc. I don't think it's mumbo jumbo. I am just at a point in life I question what this all is. not to the point where it stresses me out though. It is interesting. See I get we all come from source so we MUST all be the same. I suppose it's an identity issue. The whole ego thing doesn't work for me. I saw Tom campbell I think it was... once talking about ego. He said if you see a car you can't go "Whoa cool car!" because ooops.... you judged the car. GOOD FOOD! ooops... i messed up again... That s*** don't work for me. You see a nuclear bomb go off... Ohhh thats hot!! AGHGH!.. oh wait.... no its not.. This apple tastes... OOPS... That's no way to live. for me...

    Butterfly I promise I don't think your nuts or your view is insane etc. same with you CFT and IA. I think I understand but i see it in a different perspective. Once I asked for "higher self now" in an OBE and I just floated into a vast space of nothingness. Yet I still was "me" all my thoughts, feelings, likes, loves, hates, beliefs, were the same. it was just a beautiful feeling. Lonely... but beautiful. if that made sense.

    i dont think its bogus... just a hard time understanding I guess. I go off my own experiences too and i havent experienced anything quite like that. I have experienced bi location before... I was in my physical body and in the astral walking my neighborhood with full awareness and other beings were around doing their own thing and i was aware in both my "bodies" though. I know I am just a point of consciousness etc. I love that... but yeah.

    I don't mean to sound like all your experiences are wrong etc! Wht do I know... im just a truck driver. (soon to be) haha.

    I appreciate all your replies too!

    IA- thank you for the kind words See it's hard... because you say those it's hard to be here with all these people behave bad.. kill.. etc but if those "people" are just me (source) eternity and this is all an experience that doesn't exist in the first place... why does it have to be s*****? why cant it be beautiful? If this is kinda like a book like CFT mentioned (which was a good explanation by the way!) Why does it have to be so crappy and painful? I need a better book because if source is this powerful... i see no reason why source would want this experience. stress... pain... sickness... everything i already mentioned... corruption... i mean i could write a book on all the problems but i wont. Its not fun.. and reincarnation thats a whole different story there. I can't stand the "you have to keep coming back here until you learn pain" thing. that makes zero sense. you come here and the moment you are born into this place you are brainwashed again. you aren't allowed to remember your past lives. you are thrown into public education... if you don't fit in you get bullied like i did. you are put on medicine for almost anything. you live over and over.... i learned about my past lives. i sold my family for a bag of gold in one of them. how horrible is that? im over it now... no need to carry that stuff. but my goodness... I do not see the need to keep coming to this place. don't judge others opinions on this but I think the reincarnation thing isn't what it's cooked up to be
    Last edited by Sahasraraawaken; 4th June 2014 at 07:48 AM.

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