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Thread: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

  1. Unhappy Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Ok so I've posted on here before about this but I think I finally understand what is happening. I find it very hard to get into a deep enough trance to hear any exit noises if I am just sitting down during the day trying to practice projecting, but I have become quite good at getting relaxed enough in the morning to lay right back down after my husband leaves for work and get so deeply relaxed that I hear the loud high pitched jet engine like buzzing and I'm finally not afraid of it anymore so I just lean up when I hear it and everything is kind of outlined and I can't really see but quite quickly I open my astral eyes I guess you would call it and I'm right there in my room looking at myself sleeping and I walk around and examine my surroundings to make sure it's not a dream and right when I'm confident that it's "real" then something always happens that let's me know it's just a very lucid dream pretending to be a projection! Like I will fly up and feel the wind and see the sunlight and it's beautiful but when I come down its all of a sudden night time and there are things around me that let me know it's not real. I'm getting very frustrated with this because I feel I am ready to project into the real world lol. I was fine with manipulating my dreams for a while and all but now it's getting old. Can someone please help me figure this out? !

  2. #2
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    Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Oy vey. A lucid dream is a kind of projection. A projection to the real time zone is what most people call an out of body experience. When you get farther 'out' from the physical you go from the real time zone to the astral. The astral is the more volatile zone, the 'dreamlike' zone in which you find yourself often in dreams.
    It is not a 'fake' OBE, you had an OBE, and then after a while, reality fluctuations set in and started 'personalizing' the experience. This is inevitable when experiences last a long time. If you feel that somehow your experiences are somehow 'less valid' then you need to adjust your expectations. Energy Work may help you to stay longer in a realtime projection, but that is not guaranteed. Robert often recommends keeping projections short because of this, but if you have some experience then there is less danger of forgetting the experience altogether.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Wow this is very enlightening. I get it now lol, I think I'm experiencing real time for just a moment and then off to the dream like world I go. I guess I should be happy that I can have obes so quickly after I lay back down haha. So energy work is the answer? Where and how do I begin btw you are very smart and helpful! I've never found a forum like this before and it's amazingly in formative!

  4. #4

    Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Even a "normal" dream is a projection of sorts, it is just done with your subconscious mind at the steering wheel creating lots of thoughtforms, simulations and scenerys played out in the 'dream zone' of the astral planes in order to make you grow, learn and (sometimes) let your mind relax and recover (like your body does at night). That's at least how I see it, and many around here too.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. #5
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    Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashleo View Post
    Wow this is very enlightening. I get it now lol, I think I'm experiencing real time for just a moment and then off to the dream like world I go. I guess I should be happy that I can have obes so quickly after I lay back down haha. So energy work is the answer?
    It's one possible answer.
    Where and how do I begin
    btw you are very smart and helpful! I've never found a forum like this before and it's amazingly in formative!
    Thank you, I just remember stuff.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Most times I wake from a lucid dream I feel relaxed in my body but mentally I feel drained. Is it because I stay too long I wonder. I like my projections but I would like to do more work to stay in real time longer. I think I'll download Roberts book on energy work and start there. I also need to destress. Anxiety keeps me from the spiritual journeys I would like to have. Thank you for your reply

  7. Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Wow I just seen your link. Thanks so much

  8. #8
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    Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    I would first read the online tutorial I linked and then read Energy Work. It just flows better that way.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
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    Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    Hello Ashleo
    First of all I encourage you to trust your inner self. If you believe yourself to be out of body then you probably Are OOB!
    That being said there Are False awakenings where a person believes herself/himself to be awake but is actually still dreaming. So its likely there could be a state of consciousness that could be termed False Out of Body.
    Here is an idea that might help. Next time you are OOB try to get outside your house/apartment and walk (or fly) about the street and neighborhood. Attempt to make a few mental notes of anything unusual or noteworthy. Vehicles, signs, anything.
    Later that day, when awake, try to verify whatever is that you saw when OOB while in the physical.
    This might be the 'proof' needed.
    BTW many people do verify their OBEs so it is worth a try.


  10. Re: Increasingly frustrated at "fake OBE" Experience!

    What a great idea. I have left the house and believed everything around me to be real accept when I came down from the clouds it was magically night time and the neighbors dogs could see me and we're trying to attack me lol and oddly I kept willing myself to float back up but couldn't and I knew I was dreaming. Then of course I woke up. But yes I am going to try and find something I didn't know was there and exciting

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