there has been occasions where i've noticed sensations on my solar plexus chakra that seems to be accompanied by a feeling of lowered confidence. At other times, things appear on the flipside. That is, there has also been occasions where my solar plexus chakra feels overactive or overenergized, which also seem to have the power to alter my personality, leaving me to be somewhat overly aggressive and impulsive. When I am not mindful but reactive, it seems to just carry me away by impulses. I suspect that my solar plexus chakra is one of the chakras where I have been dealing with the most problems. I have read briefly about the concept of glamour, maya, and illusions as described in Alice Bailey's books. I suspect that I may be dealing with this so-called glamour and problems with my solar plexus.

Joseph Weed also wrote on his book "Wisdom of the Mystic Masters" about the danger of the solar plexus chakra, which I find quite relevant:

Remember, the energy you draw to yourself will tend to follow the law of Descending Energy. It will trickle down to your Solar Plexus chakra and into your Lower chakras, if you permit it! It is all up to you and where you focus your attention. All your thoughts, emotions, and actions require energy.
As your Higher Chakras develop, many fascinating by-roads will open up to you and tempt you. For example, your Lower appetites will demand more and more attention. Sex, food, drink, leisure, and luxury will become more and more appealing and make greater demands on your self control. You may think that you can control these things now, but when the time comes that you must face them, you will be amazed and often confused by the strange and subtle approaches you encounter.
If you thought self-control was difficult, the next step -- discrimination -- is even more difficult. At this point, your Psychic Centers start to open, and as a general rule the very first door to open is through the Solar Plexus Chakra. This path leads only to glamour and illusion, and if you follow it, you will become hopelessly lost.
The opening Solar Plexus chakra awakens the Lower Psychic faculties. When this happens you will gradually become aware of all sorts of beings, sights, sounds, and smells which exist on the Astral Plane. Here are the bodies of people who have recently died and even some who have been dead a long time. Here also are the entities which have never had a carnal existence but which are the creations of human thought and emotion. And here can be found various sizes and shapes of animal-like entities, some very strange and scary. Here is the realm contacted by visionaries, seers, psychics, and the like. This is why I do not trust channeling. Contact with entities on this plane are as reliable as someone you might meet on the street.
As your Solar Plexus chakra becomes active, you will here voices and see forms which cannot be apprehended by the physical senses. They will appear like ghosts. These are the telltale characteristics of the Astral World. You may be impressed by what you see and what you are told, but do not allow yourself to be fooled. CLAIRVOYANCE and CLAIRAUDIENCE are natural by-products of higher psychic development. Be very careful. If you allow the illusionary to occupy you, and you desire to see more and more, this will lead to acceptance of the greatest deceptions. You need to discriminate.
At this point you must again apply self-discipline. Pride and vanity will lead you to great error, if you permit them. Maintain your ability to differentiate and discriminate between the true and the false, between the real and unreal.
The best solution is to work diligently to develop your Heart and Head Center. As they open, your vision will be clear and you will see the astral illusion for what it is. Other dimensions will open before you. You will be able to move freely from self-interest to brotherly love. The motives of others will become clear. You may have a feeling of future events and therefore allow you to appraise the values in each situation you encounter. And you will receive the gift of compassion for others and a reluctance to take any steps that will harm them.

I'm writing here to find some help, find clarity, and inquire for some answers from anyone who might have more information related to the solar plexus and glamour. I wish to safeguard myself from these flux of energy that seems to leave me feeling unstable and overwhelmed. Anyone care to pitch in their input?

ps i apologize if what I am describing seems unclear. I'm sorry as i don't exactly know how to articulate my experience too well, but any input is greatly appreciated. thanks