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Thread: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Louisville Ky.

    COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    Greetings and thanks

    The following is an excerpt from a book, Karma and Reincarnation by Dr. H. Motoyama. I know you dont "know" whether its true, I would just be grateful for your take on the issue.

    In the lower astral realms of the spiritual world there are a multitude of beings who want to be born onto this earth. However, it is not possible for all of them to achieve this. There is a specific screening process, a set of conditions which must be met before a being is allowed to re-enter our world... The screening process itself is a Divine device to protect us here on earth from the more negative elements of existence. The lower beings who are rejected be the screening process are left with no choice but to continue their growth in the lower realm, no matter how slowly, inching there way closer to true Awakening.

    Most of the individuals who are not allowed to leave the lower astral realms are extremely negative. this negativity is caused by undue and extreme self-attachment, what we call "evil" here on earth....Naturally these beings seek to escape the worlds in which they've created for themselves and they seek birth into the physical as just such a means. Using the power of this overwhelming desire, a being can sometimes force its way through the safty net and get itself conceived, but such a conception rarely results in birth. Usually the beings are miscarried or are aborted and are sent back to the lower astral realm where they came from. Occasionally the desire to be born may be so tremendous that the being manages to slip through the restrictive screening and attain birth. These beings may be born deformed, as a result of the unnaturalness of their method of entry. (end excerpt)

    Is a screening process probable?
    Do neg spirits actively seek birth?
    And can such a screening process really be breeched? Leading I could see to disaster.
    I sent my soul through the Invisible. Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul returned to me and answered. "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." - Omar Kayyam

  2. #2

    Re: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    About risks, of a potential neg/evil entities interaction with our physical world, I remember to have read something (from Robert Bruce) in the sense such entities are not able of to coordinate efforts in order to get succesfull.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Washington State USA

    Re: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    It might be worth meditating and praying on the question... you might get some intuitive insights, dreams or an answer in some other form.

    But - the potential for evil in people is great. Maybe some evil is demonically inspired, maybe there are demonic souls. There are some I've met where I definitely recognize evil - whatever the source. There are also great light bearers in the world and a person can sense that too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    Hi Osiris,
    As far as I understand not one is created evil. But evil things happens to many in early childhood and this makes the hurt so big inside those individuals that to balance the inner they have to get even in the outer or through the outer. It is sad that it works that way, but it does.
    All evil thoughts and actions done will be this persons creations and will live as a thought form or energy form of the action made and be mistaken as an entity or a demon or likely.
    But when really start to understand how we create and how God create and see the difference, then all will be much clearer and we stop to believe in these illusions what we have created.
    Many do need these to survive, they think them as allies and need them for own protection, so this sick is our mind, and really need healing. As long as we keep up these illusions there will be hard to tell other things because these illusions are that strong. And ego´s power tremendeous and fear of God huge.
    God is pure LOVE.
    We have to dare to forgive us selves for our bad creations and let them go to get a peaceful world.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Louisville Ky.

    Re: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    Hey thanks for responces...
    I dont think anyone is created evil either however I think some are created with a much higher tendency toward self importance which can lead to ugly places. My darling wife was a trance medium and I talked to some pretty nasty ahhh "entities" over the years, what they were exactly I have no clue, but they were deeply narcissistic, some very arrogant, manipulative and not exactly dumb (not exactly bright either). And all of them responded heavily to healing (NEW) energy by the way.

    I didnt think they could penetrate to this world to "force a self conception" but...Im not so sure after giving it careful thought. I know psych researchers claims many psychotics are Born... not made that way by environment.

    I think there is a Great deal more ugliness and beauty then we realize on the otherside. The beauty grows and grows and the ugliness (evil) just stews in itself....unapproachable by workers of light.

    Unfortunately or not Its my belief that human beings are capable of huge spiritual advancements to the highest levels, tremendous levels of creativity and self sacrifice along with deep insights, understanding and wisdom...but there is a very real flip side to that coin and It is ugly indeed, I dont know if it is as full of hate and malice as the light is full of Love and compassion but Im pretty sure it wants to be.
    I sent my soul through the Invisible. Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul returned to me and answered. "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." - Omar Kayyam

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: COPY: Your opinion regarding Extremely Negative Spirits/Souls and Reincarnation

    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
    Hey thanks for responces...
    I dont think anyone is created evil either however I think some are created with a much higher tendency toward self importance which can lead to ugly places. My darling wife was a trance medium and I talked to some pretty nasty ahhh "entities" over the years, what they were exactly I have no clue, but they were deeply narcissistic, some very arrogant, manipulative and not exactly dumb (not exactly bright either). And all of them responded heavily to healing (NEW) energy by the way.

    I didnt think they could penetrate to this world to "force a self conception" but...Im not so sure after giving it careful thought. I know psych researchers claims many psychotics are Born... not made that way by environment.

    I think there is a Great deal more ugliness and beauty then we realize on the otherside. The beauty grows and grows and the ugliness (evil) just stews in itself....unapproachable by workers of light.

    Unfortunately or not Its my belief that human beings are capable of huge spiritual advancements to the highest levels, tremendous levels of creativity and self sacrifice along with deep insights, understanding and wisdom...but there is a very real flip side to that coin and It is ugly indeed, I dont know if it is as full of hate and malice as the light is full of Love and compassion but Im pretty sure it wants to be.
    Hi Osiris,
    I think that when we have had several life´s the "self importance" has also developed and grown, but in all incarnations we have the choice to develop ego or soul...and I must say that we often choose ego, and therefore this self importance and arrogance are developed and got stronger and the voice of the soul is harder to hear...but I think that God´s interveaning happens now and then to call us home so to speak, and I do believe that no one is left behind so eventually everyone will choose soul development rather than ego. Ego is an illusion what will vanish just as time will also, and left will only be the eternity.
    I am sure that there are so many ego developed nasty beings of course, but all will want to develop in the end I am sure of that.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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