I pretty much agree with all that has been said so far here.

I'll add two things:

*Defining what is / is not self is a mental abstraction. I would say. Why would we ever want to define self? I'm a human BEING, not an abstraction.
"Label me, you negate me" - Soren Kierkegaard

*In Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the "void" of Buddhism is one of various Samadhi's and not the final samadhi (experienced while still in physical form).

On a side note, I'd like to know what brain-waves are most common with people subjectively experiencing the void state, I'd be curious to know if they were in low frequency Delta, high Gamma, or a mix of both. There is bugger all data (that I know of) on this topic, as the various scientific studies are ongoing, and really still in their infancy since the 1970s.

It's a bit crap that good data can take years, if not decades to trickle down into the public.