Well, I've been working on my energy body faithfully every day. Mainly working on the arms and legs both separately and together as getting my awareness to move through my thighs and upper arms was really slow. My awareness and the sensations would zip through my lower limbs and then practically stop midway up those areas. Did some wrapping and bread tearing techniques to try and increase awareness in those areas but progress has been painfully slow and I had to realize that I was feeling sensation in my shoulders and hips, it was just that the energy sensation actually changed as it moved into those areas (it was getting tricky because the physical feelings have been decreasing/changing). It was like the feelings diffused as they moved into those bigger centers making them harder for me to detect.

Today I tried the full body bounce with some success. I have been sporadically doing the spinal bounce to reduce tension in my neck and shoulders at my job so that may have helped somewhat. Starting at my feet I got the energy going pretty good and once it got to my hips it felt like everything was moving through treacle. Once I got to my shoulders (with my arms raised above my head) it zipped up to my fingertips no problem. Did this a few times saying to myself 'this will improve as well. Be Patient!!'
As I was warming up for this I tried something that I had heard from a lady working with Chi energy. I got the sensation of energy movement from hand to hand with my arms held up horizontally at my sides when I remembered this lady saying that putting your hands together in front of you (not touching) to form a circle you could have the energy move in a fast loop. I tried it and felt like a particle accellerator! Really fun!

In terms of byproducts of this work: I dream ALOT if I do this just before bed (no lucidity). I have had a couple of vibration episodes but couldn't transform them into an OBE. And once I dozed off while practicing and woke up having been jolted back into my body. I can't remember anything and wasn't consciously trying so I'm not counting it.

I really hope this prep work will help with the PAPI course.