CF would you mind describing a bit more about your monthly fluctuations that you have experienced. Because i started working hard at trying to have LD and after some work and lots of reality checks i was able to have 5 LD dreams in a row, one LD every moring for 5 days striaght then all of a sudden they stopped and i havint been able to have another one in the past couple of weeks even though i have been doing reality checks now more then i ever have in my life and i have been trying every different type of sleep patter I.E waking up early then going back to sleep, sleeping in, and trying mixing it up. But to no avial, it just seems strange that i can have a string a sucesful LD like that then all of a sudden feel like my higher self throughs up a brick wall and says "stop your getting to good at this" and now its hard for me to remmeber more then small fragments of just normal dreams