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Thread: How would you react to this?

  1. #1
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    How would you react to this?

    In the city I live in, we had multiple people in our community have the same exact dream on the same day. It all pertains to a flood due to a tsunami.

    I live in Hawaii; More specifically, Oahu in a small town on the North shore where a big Mormon temple was built and the famous Hukilau Cafe is located right down the street from me.

    I'm specifically getting paranoid even more after I asked my friend to do a divination for me. He's been 100% accurate with all of his other predictions he had done for me in the past and I expected his answer to be no and all of those things were just dreams, but he says it's going to be a huge catastrophe.

    To express this even more, news says that California is overdue for a large earthquake.


    They've been climbing in size this year. 2.5, 5.0 and now a 6.0? They're just getting larger and larger! I'm thinking the size of this one is going to be within the 9-10 range!

    I'm thinking a megathrust which will have the power to generate a wave over 100ft tall! Knowing that here in Hawaii, we already have extremely large waves, it's a big possibility.

    From California to Hawaii, it is 2,467 miles. If the wave were traveling at 500 mph, it would reach us in 5 hours and even worse? I live on the side that the wave will impact the most!

    *Speculation done*

    I mean, what do you guys think? We have seers here in their groups saying the same, we have a tarot card reader who's been in the profession over a decade and was born into a mystic family, and we have lots of other people who have seen the same thing!

    It's supposed to happen between september through december.

    I'm feeling quite scared and don't know what to do.

    I guess all I could do is wait it out.

    Maybe help from IA56 or Aunt Clair or someone.


    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: How would you react to this?

    Hi GMan12,
    The spontan reaction to your writing was......CLEANSING.
    The nature does this because of our polution of the nature.
    I do not know more than the imago I was given 2007 how important it is to cleans one self and it will go like energy waves out into the nature and cleanse it ...
    Now it is reversed....because we are not there yet with nature.
    But we have to start to take this in and start the work NOW.
    So I have now taken in this and I am sure it will come some kind of answeres through my dreams, if the existence thinks that I can do something to help, I will get some answeres in the future.

    Please do not sink into despare...keep up the positivity and faith that the castroph what is predicted never happens.

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  3. #3
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    I can answer this easily because the exact same thing happened in my neighborhood when I was around 12 or 13.
    In the space of one year, about 5 people in my cul-de sac dreamed about a tsunami devastating the island (in this case, Puerto Rico). The way we all found out about each other was in one of those playing-card parties we used to have in the neighborhood- it was close-knit and we all saw each other every day. I still think of the ones that are still living as family.
    In my house it was my dad and I who had the tsunami dream. Mine had a lot of religious symbolism, maybe because I was very religious at the time. My cross-the street neighbor, (the dad) had it. Next door one person had it, I think the mom of the house had it too. In the house in the corner there was one or two of the girls that had it.
    In time we all moved out- my parents divorced after two of us moved out and got married, they sold the house, and most of the people passed away or moved away (some recently). I think there are only two of us that had the dream left, and we really don't speak.
    During all those years the closest thing that comes to the dream is the tsunami from a few years ago, and symbolically I think the economic disaster we had some years ago might be represented. But none of us live there anymore, so technically if there is one it's not going to be like the dream, in a literal sense.
    So I don't know what to tell you- most dreams are symbolic, at least for me, unless you tend to have precognitive dreams. Then, good luck and God bless.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    Did you have the dream, G?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    most dreams are symbolic [...] unless you tend to have precognitive dreams
    Even those are generally symbolic, at least to some degree. I've been having them since I hit puberty oh so many years ago. They're usually not specific and direct, and you can tell they mean SOMETHING, but it can be really hard to guess what until after it happens, and then it all makes sense. Yeah, pretty useless.
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  6. #6
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    I used to have this dream on a weekly basis and everything's ok. I still have these from time to time. It's usually me looking at a raising ocean that turns to a tsunami from a tall building's window. My thoughts are: you probably shouldn't give this dream too much attention since you don't want to attract it to you by "believing it in".
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  7. #7

    Re: How would you react to this?

    I had one dream where water came flowing down the hill through our forest which is indeed situated 'above' our house (uphill). It was not a wild flood, only a few centimetres in height. Still, we packed our things and (calmly) left for the city or somewhere else.

    In physical life, a few days later we had a little pipe break wetting our bath room.

    So the precog was right. But it needn't be a great catastrophy. Dreams exaggerate quite often either in their symbolic or (in this case maybe) even literal meaning.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  8. Re: How would you react to this?

    I live on a different Hawaiian island. A few years ago I had tsunami dreams at the same time as others, too. Nothing happened except a few warnings but they were much later and didn't seem to correlate. Perhaps the answer is group consciousness...especially if you are close to these other people or there is a network of people experiencing this (which I assume is the case otherwise nobody know that anyone else had the dreams). Group consciousness is very powerful. I also agree that it may be symbolic considering other psychic mediums seem to confirm the dream message. Psychic messages tend to be ambiquous and symbolic in nature.
    Overall, I wouldn't worry about it. If it's going to happen nobody can stop it. Just be prepared (as we always need to be on these little islands) and reflect on its symbolism and then move on. That's how I would react

  9. #9
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    I think you're onto something, islandmoongoddess. Fear is a powerful thing to tap into, and I suppose the 'tsunami' image is probably there if you live on an island. I know I worried about it when I used to.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
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    Re: How would you react to this?

    Hi everyone.

    I am flabergasted, I thought this was a real life happening and not a dream dream so to speak....My experience of 2007 was in real life and not in a dream....but my dreams are both ...dream where I process something I yet can´t face in real life, but is prepeared for in the dream...then dream what show me the real life happening what I can´t yet accept to be real.....and it is shown in the dream that it is happening and are training me for acceptance of the reality....

    So G I was so sure this was predicted by weather forcast in real life?? Was it?? or was it your dream??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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