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Thread: Green flames/mist

  1. #1
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    Green flames/mist

    Hello. Long time since I wrote here!
    I was meditating and drifting in and out of consciousness. I guess I also fell asleep during my session.
    I don't know if I was dreaming or if I wasn't, but I saw something I can't remember transforming to green flames or mist. It was a semi clear image and the green was a natural light green like THIS.

    It really stuck to me and I started thinking about it. Does anyone know what this color can represent in the exploration of consciousness?
    Of course I have my own symbolic interpretation of the color green but I don't really know how to apply it in a meaningful way together with meditation.
    When I think of green I think of things like; Nature, Natural, Healing, Soothing, Calming, Cleansing.
    I can't seem to find much when looking for other symbolic meaning of green, especially in regards to the energy body, kundalini or other spiritual contexts.
    If anyone has any ideas please share! I'd be grateful just for the stimulation of my miiiind

  2. #2
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Green flames/mist

    Quote Originally Posted by SiriusTraveler View Post
    Hello. Long time since I wrote here!
    I was meditating and drifting in and out of consciousness. I guess I also fell asleep during my session.
    I don't know if I was dreaming or if I wasn't, but I saw something I can't remember transforming to green flames or mist. It was a semi clear image and the green was a natural light green like THIS.

    It really stuck to me and I started thinking about it. Does anyone know what this color can represent in the exploration of consciousness?
    Of course I have my own symbolic interpretation of the color green but I don't really know how to apply it in a meaningful way together with meditation.
    When I think of green I think of things like; Nature, Natural, Healing, Soothing, Calming, Cleansing.
    I can't seem to find much when looking for other symbolic meaning of green, especially in regards to the energy body, kundalini or other spiritual contexts.
    If anyone has any ideas please share! I'd be grateful just for the stimulation of my miiiind
    Hi Sirius Traveler,
    Thank you for bringing this subject up...I have lost this knowledge, I did know who/what the green colore was when I was a child, I always felt secure and comforted and at home-secure...I remember that when I was a child before I started school, my cousins where visiting us or if we where visiting them, and we where just to have some snack and I did get the green jug and I felt that they gave it to me because I never complained, this jug was always abondened by the other children, it was not seamed to be a nice one, so when I got it...I was so happy because of the colore green....I have longed after it (the green colore) after this when I was so happy to get this jug everyone wanted it after this happening
    So I hope we got to know what the green colore is about.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Green flames/mist

    Thx for the post IA.
    Yeah, I'de really like some input on this subject. Perhaps why the colors show up and what others have experienced when seeing colors during meditation or trance and in the OBE state. Also if it's some kind of universal or historic phenomenon.

  4. #4

    Re: Green flames/mist

    For comparison although still different, here's my green colour experience, possibly generated by the heart chakra. I had a similar experience later with red and blue and also spiral 'galaxies' with changing colours, possibly also linked to activated chakras giving off some kind of energy.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Green flames/mist

    So Robert propose its a brow chakra experience. We could be seeing energy from the heart chakra. Interesting. But I wonder why that would be. What purpose does it serve? Seeing it I mean. Perhaps none, and that its just a clairvoyant experience.

  6. #6
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    Re: Green flames/mist

    Green is also the color of the heart chakra, for whatever it's worth.
    Ooh, I didn't notice Sinera already mentioned it.
    It's also the color of money, only because it's in the collective consciousness in places with green money (greenbacks, etc.)
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  7. #7
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    Re: Green flames/mist

    Yes. The heart chakra was also the first thing that I thougt of but I'de like some kind of explanation of why this can happen. Perhaps that's a question only I can answer in my own endaevors.

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