I'm talking here about vertical growth (growing taller). I noticed two threads about this from people with this desire. As far as I'm concerned, this is no different from a any healing desire that a person may have. Being shorter than you feel you should, especially for a man, is not a place of well being. However what I noticed is that the responses were "not possible", "why do you care", "dangerous", "never saw it happen". 90% judgmental and/or negative. I also saw two threads about missing or ill pets. In those threads, the responses were more along the lines of "I'm sending you lots of love". That strikes me as highly insensitive to people who want to be taller. I am 28 years old and I have had a desire for ten years to be six inches taller, or about 6' to 6'1. I do not feel that I am the man that I should be. I am incapable of living my life because I just don't feel like myself. I've had depression which has been worsening including lots of suicidal ideation. I do not feel that anything I do in life matters if I'm still living in this short body. I understand the medical explanations for why growth stops, and also the medical explanations for why all energy healing is bull♥♥♥♥. So why not drop the negativity and judgmental perspective over the desire and maybe try to help people who ask for help with this? Yes, I myself want help, but I also feel a lot of empathy for others in a similar situation to mine and it upsets me how this issue and the suffering it causes is belittled.