still feel like there's a dark cloud over me and my body has felt weak and sore and my head feels so heavy.i think ive had like 2 mini panic attacks in my sleep and once in the car on my way home. I really do need to listen the doctors a little more. Both times i tried to get off a different type med or take extra,it was always a bad mistake. im' just taking it easy the next few days and being easy on myself.
-doing my job today
-being easy on myself. Had another bdd episode that to me,to be able to work through it is hard. I think it plays a key part in why I didn't do more,sometimes. Intrusive thoughts are such an energy sucker. I used to take showers like 5 times a day sometimes just because my energy lowered and now it's more naps. At least now I know what my main issue is.
-T kitten for making me laugh
-person i worked with bringing us some water which is great because then i was able to take my pills which quieted things a little and took my headache away.
-fashion and style. i've been so fashion obsessed lately.
-seeing how much H kitten has opened up. He still gets very nervous and doesn' like to be picked up but he walks right in the house sometimes,lets me rub his stomach,and walks me to the door to show me he wants back out now.
-hearing news that another person,a neighbor 4 houses down saying she's seen our outdoor cats and that they come in her yard sometimes and she feeds them,too.
-my cheetah print cardigan
-finding new inspirations
-another day without soda.
-meeting my goals and manifesting my desires.
-scalp message
-ordering myelf a teddy bear hairbrush that was super cute
-partner at job today picking up the kit and dropping it off which saved me a trip
-how nice it felt to sit outside a for a couple minutes and enjoy the nightskies
-la croix