1. #241


    -anahata incense
    -crystal singing bowl audios
    -great weather today
    -my style
    -my unique beauty i'm starting to love again
    -my eyeglasses
    -sleeping a little better
    -summer time vibes
    -clearing limiting beliefs
    -being happier this month,and feeling the magic of life again
    -loving myself
    -my phone
    -all the people on ig who choose to follow me
    -the amazing book i've been reading
    -the transformation i've undergone this year,and am undergoing currently
    -spiritual work
    -my job tomorrow i'm so excited for
    -signs,and life speaking to me. so eerie. one thing is,for no reason whatsoever,it's not the last song played or anything alphabetical order,or first song saved or anything,but the song i consider my song that makes me think of E a lot,keeps showing up on spotify. it did this the other day,and now again today,as soon as i log on,it's showing that song as if for me to play as if it was the last song played when it wasn't. it's so odd and i can't figure out why it does that,but everytime it happens,it's making me stop and think so i do believe it's a sign.i've felt very aware since i blogged about E and then getting the feeling he read it.
    -beauty and grooming products
    -going for a night drive last night,and feeling the wind in my face and how high that makes me feel
    -physical exercise
    -frankincense and how the smell always reminds me of 2010,a powerful year for me,and summer,when i first started using it. summer of 2010. that summer i felt invincible and i've been getting flashes of 2010 lately. i've very inspired by that time in my life and last august as life seemed to wake up to me and speak to me,and i'd feel so high on life,it was like drugs. i'd feel like a crazy person and it was magical. i'm trying to immerse myself in that feeling and the inspiration of it a lot
    -open chakras
    -laughter and things that are funny
    -more ease in controlling my mind and feeling more present
    -how calm and relaxed i feel about time
    -relaxation and releasing of resistances
    -happy moments and happy memories
    -feeling hopeful,and filled with positive expectations but not of the how's of things in life,just that all is well,and good is coming
    -heightened awareness,intuitive insights coming to me to ask myself questions about why and my path
    Last edited by buttercup; 13th June 2015 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #242
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    N. Wales, UK
    Blog Entries


    Gratitude list. What are you grateful for today?
    • For my Hoover
    • For my Bedroom
    • for the capacity to hoover some
    • for the fact that even though i overloaded the electric sockets in my bedroom & lost most of my electrical appliance's abilities to work i didn't .... a) Blow the joint ! b) my computer magically remained on ! (my computer must be on another/different extension lead circuit!)


    • Grateful for my dog catching my attention whilst head in / sniffing a bunch of buttercups
    • Grateful for memory & the ability to make connections between things


    • Grateful for Buttercups thread
    • Grateful that buttercup is on planet earth & on the AD forum

    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  3. #243


    -the crown chakra and how it connects me to the feeling of universal divine energy
    -sea salt,this new vegan chocolate flavor with sea salt and almonds and trying new things
    -luxe life
    -the amazing book i've been reading and how every time i go it,it zaps my vibration right up
    -clearing limiting beliefs.
    -feeling back to normal
    -my body being nice and sore from fitness and slim and deciding to not do any workout sessions today
    -my beauty,and being more accepting of my unique looks and finding them to make me much better then average beauty
    -new selfies of myself i love
    -getting more ig followers and likes and comments,and seeing it is building up more
    -having things come to me last night,that i think is leading me to a breakthrough with clearing a certain limiting belief i was about to work on. very interesting how that came about. it was something that made me angry,but seemed to make sense,and i believe came about to aid me in clearing
    -chakra music and thetas
    -my style
    -my job the other day,and how confident it made me feel getting all the attention i was getting and being able to do unique things living that life again and feeling like a celebrity. i had a lot of males looking at me,and some jealous females too. the wardrobe styling from the job which was amazing and very well-done,and the person who booked me seeming to like me a lot. she also said i looked like a celeb i like,who is considered sexy by men which made me feel good since i have a lot in common with that celeb. the person who booked me also said i looked tall which made me feel good.i felt very attractive,and above average and it was so nice to get in that scene again. great hairstyling,creativity,and makeup,backdrops. it was so fun,and seeing a peek of what we were getting which looked amazing,and so great.i am so excited and pleased.
    -realizing certain things are easier for me now then they used to be
    -feeling in my bones i am far more attractive,and above average then i give myself credit for,and that i need to stop letting my subconscious doubt it,and remember what those who love me say such as certain ex and old best friend,that i'm a -----,i need to be confident and they say that whenever i've been insecure about all the things in life,and it's so true,because of what i do,i need to have that confidence in all areas of life.i am a unique person living a unique life that should make me more confident recieving things and going after things and not getting insecure about certain little things like guys,or being alone in places for a few minutes,etc,etc. few years ago,they said those things to me(still do,when it comes up) and people act like i'm crazy when i get insecure,but,finally,i'm starting to get it,and let in sink in,in new ways,and with the spiritual work i'm doing of clearing limiting beliefs,it is profound the changes that will come. a few years ago,i wanted certain things,and felt i should have them,but felt insecure,then i went through the ego phase of coming off confident and getting more used to things but having some doubts,and then i went into the super insecure confused phase,and i'm now finally coming out of that,and seeing myself as i really am. softening the ego,embracing the humble but exuding confidence,charisma like a celebrity,and a belief in myself that i can get anything i want in body,mind,spirit,enveloping that belief. i think i'm growing up! and,it feels so good.i'll miss that more innocent girl who had something special but couldn't see it fully and wondered why people took interest in her,and had desires.i'll miss that girl who started to come into herself more and had an ego,but questioned herself internally still. but,i'm loving the girl who embraces confidence,AND recieving,and knows herself,her worth,her value.
    -great quotes
    -letting go of what others think and believing in myself
    -releasing resistances
    -rain,and how relaxing it is
    -that it's been warm out
    -finding vegan pizza crusts recently after i was tempted to buy a vegetarian frozen pizza but couldn't find a brand i liked that had no meat,then as i give up,i seen that,and took it as a sign from the universe telling me not to buy vegetarian pizza and peel off the cheese,but just make my own vegan pizza!
    -taking an uber to my job the other day and how GREAT that it felt. the independence of doing that,as soon as i got in there,within a minute my mood quickly uplifted and i felt as excited as i would being headed to a night out. it reminded me of my desires,and what's important to me. change is invigorating. challenging yourself and progressing yourself is thrilling. one small action that is normal and mundane to others,did a lot for me.
    -feeling more calm and safe in my apartment again
    -having empathy and kindness for others
    -flip flops
    -ordering new lingerie from shop i like
    -awesome articles i come across online
    -carrot juice
    -little good things;finding out E didn't go to a certain thing this weekend that is how we met two years ago. it's been two years now. i thought for sure he was going,as he had texted me something about it back in march when he was trying to talk to me more,but i guess he decided not to go. i ended up making a little vague blog about how we met this weekend too
    -how great of a writer i am and how poetic i am
    -that ex A texted me while in mexico and how funny he is;i love him despite what he's done and being a player. he's a crazy guy who did drugs back when he was younger,was in jail and all kinds of crazy stories and is one of the craziest people i know,so i'm just happy for him for being such a positive person and in a good place in life and always seeing something to me.i remind myself of this when he does things to tick me off. i don't know why the mysterious calls this year every time he suspects i'm dating someone or why he's acting like he wants me to be his but then blocks me in other ways. it's very odd. he's not ever been like this before and i straight up told him last night,my intentions since we ended have only ever been to know him and keep in touch
    -the excitement of possibilities
    -my flexibility and being able to do stretches like wheel pose and frog splits
    -the newness coming to me
    -how amazing it is going to get

  4. #244


    Quote Originally Posted by newfreedom View Post
    Gratitude list. What are you grateful for today?
    • For my Hoover
    • For my Bedroom
    • for the capacity to hoover some
    • for the fact that even though i overloaded the electric sockets in my bedroom & lost most of my electrical appliance's abilities to work i didn't .... a) Blow the joint ! b) my computer magically remained on ! (my computer must be on another/different extension lead circuit!)


    • Grateful for my dog catching my attention whilst head in / sniffing a bunch of buttercups
    • Grateful for memory & the ability to make connections between things


    • Grateful for Buttercups thread
    • Grateful that buttercup is on planet earth & on the AD forum


    love it!

  5. #245


    -beautiful weather
    -going tanning today
    -sleep,and how healing it is!
    -getting this message that's important to me posted on social media and how great it looks and being able to express myself and make a difference
    -me,and what i add to the world. i have value and i deserve to be here
    -how fascinating and surreal life is and being able to just smile and laugh at it
    -my beauty and being above average in looks
    -being in a position and place to make effective change and make a difference,and how exciting that is!
    -that i'm going to share my story of something in something coming out next month and am starting working on the draft since last week
    -crown chakra opening symptoms. yesssssss!
    -positive dreams. i dreamt of people repreatedly giving me things. that can't be too bad!
    -helping friend out last night to identify his first limiting belief to clear. it lowered my vibe doing the work just a little,but i detached and got it done
    -getting bedroom cleaned because my vibration was so high i felt like being more productive instead of making it wait
    -my style
    -how exciting and work-able this plan is of changing my life by clearing limiting beliefs one at a time,by going for the one that i find first
    -being in a great mood today,and how long i've been able to hold the vibration without reacting to external environment so much
    -my flexibility
    -the sun
    -that it's almost time to move
    -seeing things clearly and able to decide things quicker and feel more ok,and not overanalyzing stupid things that make no sense
    -carrot juice
    -aloe juice
    -the positive changes in my life and that have manifested
    -amazing book i've been reading
    -knowing where i want to be
    -had a buzzing sensation in my ear that was very very odd about a week ago during high vibration time. the only other time i remember this happening was last year,in the summer when i was reading about OBE's and trying to have one. Very interesting!

  6. #246
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    N. Wales, UK
    Blog Entries

    Newfreedom's Gratitude list for today...

    • MR. Grumpy decorated tissues
    • new slippers
    • for 5 light bulbs & 3 more future ones
    • new clothes
    • talc
    • plasters
    • the choice of Birthday cards available
    • clothes as birthday presents for others
    • Christmas traditions & the buying of presents for others
    • over the counter medications & creams
    • friendly supermarket staff
    • Cardboard recycling

    • Our new male ferret kit (Kiba)
    • a cuddly toy snake for Rome
    • large, tall, chunky, ceramic dog-drinking bowl
    • medium, tall, chunky, ceramic dog-drinking bowl
    • dog food, ferret food (& cat food)
    • vegetarian dog chews & rice bones
    • animal blankets & bedding & beds
    • pet toys that playful ferrets like
    • tiny pet bowls & ferret drinking bottles
    • ease of life
    Last edited by newfreedom; 18th June 2015 at 03:37 AM.
    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

  7. #247


    -headache being gone. i truly feel that was part of me shifting to the new me,the most amazing thing happened,i just felt such a massive headache,that i couldn't do anything but lay down and go to sleep,much earlier then is normal for me.i had these wild thoughts and lucid and non lucid dreams in and out of sleep,including me on a hill asking or being asked by myself am i ready to take the leap. i was in my outfit from my job the other day in full hair and makeup,and at the park at my favorite hill,and i was skipping and smiling. those were the first wild thoughts before i fell asleep and had in and out crazy dreams. i woke up feeling so invigorated and like a new me,and sincerely feel like the universe wanted to put me on a normal sleep schedule and shift me to the new me,and that's why this happened.
    -the beautiful summer weather,and rain
    -coffee i'm about to get
    -feeling so clear,cleansed,and amazing
    -my face
    -just the new me,and how exciting it is
    -feeling so secure,and content with life and where it's going and trusting
    -the sound of the trains going by,cars,and the birds chirping and how invigorating that is

  8. #248


    -the amazing,life changing book i've been reading that boosts my mood every time i read it
    -deep meditation
    -becoming a new me
    -feel good feelings
    -clearing resistances and energy blockages
    -great weather
    -living life to the full
    -fun plans
    -feeling powerful
    -the magic of life
    -the universe
    -that i create my reality
    -great tank tops
    -yoga pants
    -summer vibes
    -how open my heart chakra is
    -physical exercise and how great movement is for energy
    -romantic love and how joyous it is
    -a new notebook
    -powerful spiritual experiences
    -my value
    -how good it can get,and is about to get
    -the connections i've made and opportunities i've had
    -how blessed i am for those i've met
    -physical heart chakra sensations
    -how great my skin is
    -the various physical symptoms i've had this week,alerting me to the fact that i am changing,i am new
    -deep breathing and how much better i've become at conscious breathing,making it more habitual
    -relaxation about time,no time,non linear time,time is on my side

  9. #249


    oh man,so amazing all the breakthroughs.
    -had something come up during personal development exercises that had started flickering that just literally cleared several beliefs. sometimes it is just recognition that does it. i was amazed,and surpised,i almost doubted it,but it made sense.
    -this book that's been so helpful to me
    -discovering amazing new music and finding old ones i used to love
    -how much lighter my energy has been and the shift it's had on my personality. how much more clear my mind is,and little differences
    -l texting me and us getting back to normal and me saying yes to seeing him this week
    -hot tea
    -going to dive bar in the neighborhood last night and how amazingly well it went and how charming the place was and how surreal the overall experience was. it all felt very community and was fun to get out and have drinks
    -almost deleting two pics last night because of obsessive thinking then deciding to show myself i'm changing and have changed,to keep one which is what i wanted to do anyways
    -how slim my clothes feel today
    -picking up probiotics to try out
    -going to my favorite park today and how great it is walking up the hills
    -nice summery weather
    -how flexible i am
    -happening to come across a meetup that will be a rooftop pool party for a vegan group that i rsvped to. very good luck,and came about right when earlier i had been saying i want to go swimming and was thinking about how nice it'd be to go swimming
    -how great and clear and young my skin looks
    -my notebook and writing down affirmations
    -being given headphones in my favorite color since my old ones are not working so well
    -getting bedroom cleaned and finding my buddha statues i've been wanting to create an alter in living room
    -my breasts and cleavage and how great it looks and having a nice sized chest that gets a lot of positive attention
    -romantic love
    -friends that become love
    -coming back to myself more and more
    -feeling open,aliveness,and confident,and also in the vortex today
    -positive signs
    -peach muffins
    -feeling sexy,abundant,and forward moving. nothing holding me back,i can do what i want,and not feel sadness,longing,pain or like there's a fate controlling me
    -being me,my wonderful leo energy that makes me love to express and be a star. i know this is important for me to nourish.
    -feeling so happy,validated,and connected and i've not even manifested yet in the last few weeks much,except the amazing feelings and energy clearing,and my happiness is not changing no matter what. happiness for the sake of happiness.i will manifest my desires,but even if i didn't i'd still feel amazing
    -how excited i am to premiere the new me to people who haven't seen me in awhile
    -how amazing this week is going to be,i can just feel it
    -how different i feel,and also more present.i just know things will manifest in different ways then ever before,because i am different

  10. #250


    -relaxation and that lovely sinking feeling as if i'm completely enveloped in surrender
    -getting the kitchen cleaned
    -doing some work today,and almost finished with that particular piece
    -lip gloss
    -carrot juice
    -all the limiting beliefs i've cleared and the way they've come to me..all connected,bringing out more and more as i see how it's connected
    -affirmations and notebook
    -feeling a soul connection and trusting it more,even if it's crazy
    -stretches and squats
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -my favorite vegan foods
    -the inner work i've been doing and seeing how surrendering and asking for help from universe during that part of it,really makes a difference and helps
    -the limiting beliefs i've cleared and seeing proof of it,and the negativity wiped out of my life from it,and feeling at such peace about certain past things
    -sound therapy
    -how smooth my legs are
    -that it's summertime
    -that i'll be moving soon and how exciting new neighborhood will be
    -how much more clear my mind has been,and lighter my energy
    -feeling very at peace right now,like the work has been done and it's a calm before the new storm,as in the stepping into something new and wonderful for me.i can feel something is about to manifest that is very pleasant
    -the sleeping dreams i've had lately
    -how open my chakras feel and all the side effects of it
    -the book i've been reading and how life changing it's been
    -forgiveness and all the forgiveness that's occured from the healing work
    -appreciation and admiration
    -nightskies and how relaxing they are
    -signs of resistances being released such as yawning

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