-d texting me today. that's two days in a row contacting me again now. he's swimming closer to me. journaling session made a difference for sure
-noticing d is clearly paying attention to me with things and wanting to find excuses to talk to me,elongate the conversation,and trying to text on my schedule he thinks i'll answer right away. cute. lol.i guess he seen i never respond right away in the morning so now he is always texting right at the times i would respond.
-how amazingly relaxed and chill i felt last night
-the app downloading frenzy i've been on. been in a must download all the apps mood since last night and playing around on my phone. found a cool app with stickers.
-doing some blogging today. felt nice to express myself a little
-a dinner so high in protein,i dont need any protein drinks
-avoiding the junk i was craving
-how hard my nails feel from all that protein
-being a woman
-being and feeling damn feminine
-models with my kind of look and mouth and teeth. it makes me more confident and also my job which makes me more confident
-improvement and expansion
-how cute it is that d likes girls with fair skin and doesnt like tanning and thinks minimal makeup is best. lol. he seems like he's going to be my little control freak already.
-upping my cardio today
-clothes fitting loser today from skipping workout yesteday
-plans with a friend to get coffee
-dim lighting
-how sunny it was today
-cool job offers that intrigue me
-my unique way of seeing things
-being love
-comfortable clothes to wear
-cozy sleep and waking up feeling warm
-laughing at things
-getting decisive and staying decisive
-feeling better. felt physically unwell earlier from eating cheese but am better now
-my vision,tastes,and personality
-a drive with best friend and nice chat with him and how nice it was to hear a little bit into his mind and what's going on with him
-laying off the tarot and coins lately. doing good with backing off of that!
-hot coffee
-hot tea
-how freaking awesome this month is going to be. And,d contacted me first day of the month. so far,so good!
-that something good is going to happen today and/or tomorrow
-good news in animal advocacy
-d definitely tests me. from reading his texts and reflecting. i appreciate being able to see that. omg,he was testing me earlier today.i knew that text message seemed a bit off. he said i'm very disciplined and it made no sense not really relating to what i said.i had thought earlier is he trying to say because he expecting me to make our plans or because he's gone a few days without texting me and i do nothing but wait patiently...i mean discipline is quite a strong word for what i had been talking about...but now it makes sense he has had his ex on his mind a lot and she abandoned him so he's trying to relate how i am with friends thinking would i abandon him. what a little mind player he is! he's definitely in a major testing stage with me. this is the 2nd or third time i've caught him doing something off that was deliberately to see how i'd react. hmm. wondering what this means! so far,definitely true from ways he's been and what he's revealed are he's definitely insecure,and definitely plays games,and definitely tests me. he's also obviously a control freak.
-the internet
-the quiet