-cheeseless pizza
-lemon water
-omega vitamins and how easy it's been to be thinner since starting them and my body seeming tighter despite not working out as much last few days
-pink roses,and roses in general
-that my strong incense is gone,and now i can use my softer heart-chakra focused ones instead
-the body scrub i've been using and how amazingly smooth it makes my skin
-how good i've gotten at makeup from the tips i put together for me since march and also not trying so hard after learning what makeup artist showed and taught me and said
-getting ticket to party tonight
-that i can relax now after another really stressful,anxiety ridden day where i felt like a crazy person
-going shopping today
-that i get over post drinking hangover much easier since becoming vegan. very interesting!
-nice lounges with trendy cocktails and djs
-friendly staff
-deciding to go ahead and go out with l last night after feeling like i needed to get out and get space and how i tend to regret saying no pretty often anyways and having a better time then i thought. hearing him say one of the things he likes about me,and is why he is there and is interested in me is my teeth was very interesting to me and made me feel confident since it's my insecurity and i never thought it could be a reason for someone's interest in me and he listed 3 qualities he likes in girls,and the kind of teeth i had was one of them. also,little things,like he unfollowed this girl on ig i told him about which impressed me and little things like the 2nd place having a charger for my phone since my phone was low was very funny and interesting. just getting out again was fun. though,my my mind thought of E several times.
-feeling the movement of energy in life after buying ticket to party today,like it just moved energy for other desires and also just seeing how k bought her ticket right while i was out with L proved my limiting belief right,that i need to go out with L to move energy for other desires.
-seeing the fun sides of L,and how much he likes me,and how work-wise it could be really beneficial.
-stretches and how good they make me feel
-sleep,though i've had a lot of weird dreams lately,including this morning of someone trying to slaughter me with a razor and then last week,an abusive ex.
-how great my legs look
-the great weather today
-that my life seems really glamourous to others,even if to me it just seems like a facade or not a big deal
-how quiet it is right now
-best friend coming back after my anxiety today
-hair clips
-cool photo editing mobile apps
-taking my mind off E a little bit the last 24 hours
-chakra healing music
-that tomorrow can be a fresh start
-trying new things,expanding myself,being more confident
-face massage,face yoga,simple face moisturizer and tea tree oil
-my style
-the fashion industry
-knowing cool people
-getting rid of limiting beliefs
-being myself
-my tastes in things
-how great my skin is looking lately,despite having soda i usually break out from twice this week and being very stressed and crying,yelling
-being an interesting person. i tend to be one of the,if not the,most interesting person a person meets which is funny,i never set out to be that,but then i am the girl with odd viewpoints and lots of life stories
-being open and trying new things