-more little reconnection things. so cool.
-getting room cleaned and more things organized
-yin yoga
-feeling nurtured
-feeling like life is trying to make me happy
-my style
-my cheekbones
-my young face
-my hair
-that i get to get my haircut tomorrow. been almost a year since i got it professionally styled
-little gray baby kitten's eye seeming to be doing a little better
-having a nice chest
-catching up on some reading and seeing the book i've been reading as quite helpful now
-taking life one day at a time
-something to get excited about
-feeling secure
-feeling abundant
-therapy. it's one thing i had resisted but actually enjoy having in my arsenal of wellness tools
-protein drink M made me today
-deep cleansing breaths
-practicing some visualization today
-my laptop
-seeing life work out for me