-cereal to satisfy my sweet tooth
-getting the bedroom sweeped and cleaned
-finding a good pic for social media to update
-crystal singing bowl audios
-getting the cat here
-clearing a major,obvious limiting belief last night
-having an interesting,probably nothing manifestation that reminded me my heart is over E. Being physical with L seemed to do it. the power of letting go is eerily magical.
-getting my mood boosted again before bed last night
-getting work done today
-best friend apologizing to brother
-best friend getting me a soda and snack earlier
-my phone
-my phone charger
-my vision
-that best friend is safe
-cool ideas i want to try
-interesting things to ponder
-my strength and patience
-that i switched two fearful things from happening without trying too hard by the power of my mind
-my slippers
-getting the cat blanket in the washing machine
-warm showers to soothe and energize me
-my motivation
-my attempts to try and be a more positive person
-being honest with myself about my desires
-being a little excited for life again and the joy of life
-having a beautiful heart
-knowing i will win
-knowing things will get better
-my eyeglasses
-cute clothes
-how great my backside has been looking. very feminine and curvy and toned.
-how beautiful my eyes are
-loving myself a little bit more