-mason jars
-coca cola
-vegan cookies
-going to the little local trendy restaurant a few blocks from my house finally.
-just getting out of the house and having fun
-sangrias,cocktails,and alcohol in general. makes life more fun.
-no longer liking the taste of cheese,and in fact,preferring pizza without. had roommates leftover pizza and took the cheese off and it was delicious.
-my little idea to help with indecisiveness ocd,by posting two pics,and later deleting the less preferred when i want to post on social media and my mind goes overdrive
-techno music
-stylish music in general
-my vibration being raised again.i went crazy the last two days feeling stuck and apathetic
-feeling as crazy as it may sound and having no logical proof,that B is crazy for me,and wants me back. tarot keeps saying i should contact him,and that it'd reunite us. i'm not going to,but it's strange.
-pisces friend revealing he has feelings to me.it made me mad at first,but then it did something awful...it made me realize I do like my friend E. I do. and,dammit,if anyone had been reading anything i've written in the last 8 months anywhere,they'd be able to point it out,too. i do have feelings for E. He is more relevant then i realized. How could i have missed this? I even started to feel during this lunar eclipse that i love him. I feel crazy. I was tempted to contact him. I still feel these feelings. Someone had suggested am i repressing how much i like him,and then a few days later now,i am feeling like this. I had more signs then i realized of liking him,perhaps. and,even now i still feel myself repressing it. i can't logically see why i like him. or how he cares about me. and,i've assumed he'd not be able to satiate me. but,then that's the thing,i assumed. and,feelings aren't logical,they just are. you can't help how you feel. this is just all so weird. i used to have a very subtle cognizant feeling that someday we'd kiss. i just felt it,but repressed it,and we did. i'd have psychic dreams about it,and now he's kissed me. and,now i feel a claircogizant feeling lately,that someday we'll end up having sex. all the things i've been mad at him about,i now see either weren't a big deal,or had a reason for happening,too. it's just so weird,all of this,how much my perceptions keep altering
-getting work letter almost done,so close,and it's such a release.i showed partner where i was at the other day and it was huge clunky mess and she said no wonder i've been going crazy. right away,i deleted a hugeeeeeee chunk of writing,and sort of started fresh. it was such an energetic release.i was taking the letter way too seriously,and going way too in depth and writing too much. so not needed. it's so much shorter,fresher,better now. and,i also feel ok with lettings things go dreamy,and abstract but still tying everything to be professional. it's probably pretty much done,but i'm going to say 80% just to make sure it's tip top before release
-spiritual healing music. chakra music,thetas,and gammas,clear my chakras and help me write better. a great way to multi-task
-nicer weather
-finally feeling ready for spring
-my style
-my child-like energy
-facial exercises
-being someone who wants to look pretty and takes the time to look nice sometimes
-faith in myself
-my adorable new shoes,that look both like little girl shoes,and like ballerina shoes,and very summery,and in my favorite color,all at once
-cozy feelings
-being spiritually in tune
-people reaching out to me
-my creativity
-being feminine
-mixing things up
-minimalism,secrets,and the sacred.
-romantic comedy movies to watch